Category: Wellness

  • Personal Wellness: Deliberate Action Planning

    Table of Contents Wellness Model Application to Self: Wellness Assessment Strengths and Challenges Barriers to Growth Change Model Application to Self: Wellness Plan Resources and Referrals Reflection References Wellness Model I am applying the three-dimensional wellness model consisting of physical, spiritual, and emotional domains. It is stated that one needs to pay attention to all…

  • Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace

    The work can be tedious and stressful, negatively affecting wellness. Therefore, searching for methods to reduce stress and support well-being is necessary. Yoga is a well-known practice that positively affects physical and mental health. When considering the issue of yoga and wellness at work, it is essential to note that it affects the well-being of…

  • Wellness Assessment: Patient Case Study

    Table of Contents STAR Assessment Questions Opportunities References STAR Situation Luciana Gonzalez – 32-year-old female patient – Hispanic. Came in for comprehensive health assessment for new employment insurance. Background The patient requires a comprehensive physical. Height: 5’4 Weight: 185lb BMI 31.8. No known allergies. Family history – no known diseases. Social history – Works a…

  • Reimagine Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace

    The possibilities of implementing yoga and wellness programs in the workplace and their effectiveness are influenced by various factors. In particular, the involvement of people in such programs and their interest in participating depends on their personal opinions and perceptions of the proposed measures. Despite the increasing popularity of yoga as an effective method of…

  • Influence of Dogs on Wellness During All Stages of Life

    Multiple levels contribute to personal wellness and various factors that influence general health. People explore different approaches to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and overcome fears. Dogs, often seen only as pet animals, could significantly influence a person’s life as therapy dogs through animal-assisted intervention (AAI) during all stages of life. However, each age…

  • An Overall Wellness Improvement Plan for Officers

    Table of Contents Introduction Wellness Improvement Plan for Officers’ Physical Domain Wellness Improvement Program for Cognitive Domains Overall Wellness Considerations Conclusion References Introduction A soldier’s job is demanding and stressful and is associated with higher mental and physical health risks than many other occupations. Multiple studies have demonstrated that when law enforcement officers’ health issues…

  • “A Cure for Wellness” by Verbinski

    Anti-capitalist symbolism is expressed in the film “A Cure for Wellness.” The movie is a psychological horror picture that proposes that worship of money and material success, kills a human being. At the beginning of the film, an employee dies of a heart attack at work in a substantial financial corporation. Besides, the film title…

  • Wellness Program and Well-Being for the Elderly

    Table of Contents Introduction Wellness Program with a Holistic Approach Conclusions: Assessment of a Holistic Approach References Introduction Older adults constitute a part of the American population that is rapidly growing. The provision of well-being for older adults is a challenge for nurses due to may chronic and age-related diseases accompanied with other co-morbid conditions.…

  • The Community-Based Mental Wellness Program

    Table of Contents Step 1: Data Collection Step 2: Data Implementation Step 3: Knowledge Sharing References To successfully develop and introduce a community-based mental wellness program, some relevant steps should be followed to build a sustainable plan of action. Step 1: Data Collection To begin with, a data collection mechanism should be organized. Through surveys…

  • The Wellness Plan Development

    It is hard to disagree with the need and use of the Wellness plan. As Nicola demonstrated, TWP in Detroit appeared from community needs to provide access to healthcare and improve medical care standards for people who cannot pay. It was shown in the discussion post that lack of this care had led to higher…