Category: Web Technology

  • “Effectiveness of a Web-Based Screening”: Main Topic, Strengths, and Weaknesses

    The article selected for the appraisal investigates the benefits of web-based motivational interventions for the reduction of adolescent substance use. The results of the randomized control trial (RCT) conducted by Arnaud et al. (2016) suggest that the intervention group demonstrated a considerable reduction in drinking frequency and quantity compared to the control group. The following…

  • The Website Remodel Project Scope Statement

    Introduction Website Remodel aims at improving a website’s user interactions, majorly by re-examining the current navigation, set-ups, content, and technology in place. This website redesign will help improve the end-user interactions with the web content, hence acting as a powerful tool for sales of the company product and services. A successful business organization should consider…

  • Low Cost Website Protection and Customer Privacy

    Introduction Security to business ventures is very crucial since these ventures are prone to many crimes and risks present in the business environment. Businesses entering into the field of e-commerce should take caution on the impending risks and security threats on the internet. The cost of technology incurred by business organizations in the process of…

  • Dark Web Monitoring Case Study

    The dark web refers to the part of the Internet that can only be accessed by using specialized software, such as Tor. It has become a nexus for various criminal activities, including drugs and weapons trafficking, distribution of illegal pornography, and data theft (Schäfer et al., 2019). The latter activity can be especially damaging to…

  • Delivery of a Functional and Interactive Website for a Lab and Medical Equipment Company

    Table of Contents Introduction Goal and Objectives Structure Stakeholders Source Introduction The project is delivering a functional and interactive website for a lab and medical equipment company, which requires several specific features. The website’s overall goal is to allow a customer to be able to request a quote and view the laboratory equipment which would…

  • A Website Comparison: The National Library of Medicine and Webmd

    The two websites selected for review are the National Library of Medicine and WebMD . Although both websites cover health-related topics, the first website is aimed primarily at healthcare practitioners, such as doctors and nurses. Members of this audience are typically aged 26 to 60 and have a degree in health, medicine, or nursing. The…

  • Addressing Website Downtime: Identifying Root Causes and Implementing Solutions

    Table of Contents Introduction Symptoms Analysis Process Conclusion Reference Introduction Organizations in the current age have adopted technology to enhance their visibility and to link with their customers. Websites can be used by organizations to provide potential clients with insight into the firm, which can facilitate better business. An issue that has happened at the…

  • Website Proposal Document: Green IT

    Introduction Green IT is the important issue in the world of ICT today, and most of the organizations are taking the lead in the adoption of strategies that will boost Green IT for the sake of the climate. Green IT has some initiatives in order to apply it, such as Driving Force. “Green IT” refers…

  • Mayo Clinic Website’s Effectiveness Analysis

    Table of Contents Mayo Clinic Website Website sources Website Authority Funding Validity and Quality Privacy and disturbance References Mayo Clinic Website Mayo Clinic is one of the world-class clinics in the health sector with various departments that help intervene in various health conditions. The healthcare facility boasts highly qualified healthcare practitioners who have enabled them…

  • An Occult Website’s Design Analysis

    This page is an occult web resource whose task is to present the audience with a conspiracy theory about the future coming of aliens. The page’s content is a mixture of Freemasonry theories, Christian theology, science fiction, and contemporary American politics. The fabrications of the author of the site are presented in a chaotic form.…