Category: Vitamins

  • Review of Vitamin A Assay Methods From 2006 to 2009

    Introduction Vitamin A has for a long time been considered to play a crucial role in the normal biological and metabolic functions of the human body. It can be introduced into the body in form of supplements such as cod liver oil which contains the “cis” form of vitamin A, vegetable sources such as carrots,…

  • Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

    Vitamins are essential micronutrients needed by the body in small quantities. They are also essential for normal cell functions, growth and development. Vitamins are grouped into fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. The body stores the fat-soluble vitamins in its fatty tissues and these facts are absorbed easily from dietary fat. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins…

  • Examination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    The deficiency or toxicity of the B12 vitamin can negatively impact an individual’s life, causing significant negative consequences. My doctor’s observations included anemia, a low count of blood cells, and their enlarged and immature state (Green, 2017). Other symptoms were occasional numbness in arms and legs, as well as complications in such mental functions as…

  • Vitamin Supplementation in Early Years (0-5)

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance of Vitamin Supplementation Health Promotion Conclusion References Introduction Children below the age of five years are in active growth and body development stages. They require enough nutrients to facilitate tissue formation and to remain healthy and effective. Therefore, they need continuous vitamin A, C and D supplementation to enhance healthy…

  • Key Vitamins and Minerals and Their Functions

    The human body requires constant sustenance so that its key functions could remain consistent and uninterrupted. For this purpose, multiple minerals and vitamins are required. Though the exact number of these resources is quite large, several essential ones can be isolated. Despite the apparent difference in the contents of the minerals and vitamins in question,…

  • Synthetic and Natural Vitamins

    The selected article considered the effects of synthetic and natural versions of B group vitamins on one’s metabolic processes. The study involved two groups of people who took a daily dose of either vitamin analog, which exceeded the recommended amount by 2.5 (Lindschinger et al., 2020). The variables relevant to prove the hypothesis are the…

  • Antioxidant’s and Vitamin C

    Table of Contents Antioxidant’s functions Free radicals: How they affects the body Sources of Vitamin C Optimal delivery system for Vitamin C Precautions for the use of Vitamin C Works Cited Antioxidant’s functions Different kinds of antioxidants act as defensive organism against oxidative-stress. “Antioxidants are classified by function into four categories; Preventive antioxidants; radical scavenging…

  • The Importance of Vitamin B and Iron

    The word vitamin was initially referred to elements that are soluble in water and essential in the nutrition of babies and they were separated from milk, yeasts, and wheat germ. The word vitamin was taken from the initial invention of the anti-beriberi factor in 1912 by a well-known scientist called Casimir Funk. The first type…

  • The Most Important Types of Vitamins

    Health specialists and nutritionists identify many types of vitamins. Those named after the first five letters of the English alphabet are the most important for the functioning of the human body. According to experts, “vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin” (Vitamins, n.d., para. 7). An individual…

  • Medical Importance of Vitamin D3

    Table of Contents Introduction Vitamin D3 and Cancer Vitamin D3 and Fibromyalgia Vitamin D3 and Allergies Vitamin D Deficiency and AIDS Conclusion References Introduction Vitamin D3, which is referred to as cholecaciferol is the form of vitamin D that is gotten when the human skin is exposed to direct sunlight (Adams & Hewison, 2010). This…