Category: Utilitarianism

  • Utilitarianism Theory: Value and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism theory states that the moral value of an individual’s deed can be determined by the way it is effective in the long run. This means how an action is able to make an individual happy thus leading to the conclusion that the moral value of this action is determined by its end result. Scholars…

  • Utilitarianism Advantages and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism is a branch of moral philosophy that promotes the idea that the means applied can be justified by the results obtained. The proponents of this theory believe that traditional moral values and codes are futile as they do not contribute to the improvement of human existence. Thus, they claim that moral actions make sense…

  • Utilitarianism and Its Favorable Features

    Any human being is characterized by his/her actions. Their character determines the motifs of a person and proves his/her intentions. However, the given approach gives rise to a number of critical issues related to the subjectivity of the evaluation of any action. Numerous philosophers have sought to outline the main criteria that highlight the character…

  • “Utilitarianism” Essay by John Stuart Mill

    Introduction The greatest thinkers living in different periods of human history have always tried to understand the real nature of appropriate and inappropriate things that a person can do. Therefore, there is a range of theories that are devoted only to the ethical norms of modern society or make attempts to establish links between ethics…

  • Utilitarianism Advantages and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism is a branch of moral philosophy that promotes the idea that the means applied can be justified by the results obtained. The proponents of this theory believe that traditional moral values and codes are futile as they do not contribute to the improvement of human existence. Thus, they claim that moral actions make sense…

  • The Main Risks of the Utilitarianism

    The term utilitarianism can also be known as utilism. This idea correlates with the term utility to maximize its usefulness and on the other hand minimize the negative aspect of utility. Before we define utility lets understand the term utility first. Utility can be defined as the pleasurable satisfaction in matters mean the most in…

  • Utilitarianism and Protection of People’s Rights

    Among criticisms targeted at the ethical theory of utilitarianism is one that states that it fails to protect people’s rights and freedoms. The critics’ argument is based on the main principles of utilitarianism formulated back in the eighteenth century, their interpretation, and their applicability in the modern world. The purpose of the present paper is…

  • Why Practicing Utilitarianism is Important

    Philosophy is an integral part of every person’s worldview and outlook on life which they espouse and through which they interpret various phenomena. Ethics is inherent to any philosophical perspective since it constitutes an element which guides people in their actions and interactions with others. Utilitarianism and deontology are two influential schools of thought in…

  • The Utilitarianism Theory by John Stuart Mill

    John Stuart Mill is the philosopher behind the Utilitarianism Theory, who introduced the theory in a bid to help people from making life decisions. In his approach, Mill suggests that actions are right when they produce happiness and wrong when they result in sadness (Komu, 2020). According to Mill, happiness is the absence of pain…

  • The Theory of the Act Utilitarianism

    Act utilitarianism is a theory of ethics stating that any act of a person is morally right only if it promotes the best possible results and creates the greatest good for the majority. In such a way, the overall well being should serve as the major factor considered before performing a certain action. Following the…