Category: Urbanization

  • Problems, Reasons And Results Of Urbanization In India And The UK

    Introduction The topic I have chosen for my Individual Report is Changing communities, where I focus on my main research question “How far has urbanization changed our lives”. I will be highlighting the positives and negatives of urbanization and analyzing its causes and what effects it has on some major countries. I will also be…

  • The Correlation Of Urbanization And Food Security

    The world has sworn to eradicate poverty and malnutrition by 2030 as sustainable development goals implemented in 2015 by United Nations. Still, growing urbanization is imposing new challenges to development, and as per latest study, India is principally vulnerable since it confronts another twin burden of under-nutrition. India confronts an absurd situation; its swift financial…

  • Urbanization In The UAE: Causes And Impacts

    INTRODUCTION The transformation of Dubai, United Arab Emirates from an inadequate desert to an urbanized city that stands before our eyes today, cost the blood and tears of the government and the hardworking laborers that helped turn this dream into reality. The UAE is located along the Persian Arabian Gulf, it has the largest net…

  • The Factors For Global Urbanization And Its Effects

    Urbanization is becoming prominent throughout time and is on a steady increase, where by 2030, the urban population will have increased from 3.5 billion to 5 billion which will be more than 50% of the world’s population. (M. Kovisto ,2016). Methods will eventually be put into place to combat the various effects of urbanization and…

  • Urbanization Process In Asia

    Urbanization process has been relatively rapid in some less developed regions since 1950, such as sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern and Western Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Among all, Eastern Asia region had experienced the most striking urbanization increase, especially during the last 20 years (“The Speed of Urbanization”, 2018). In the next three decades, it…

  • Global Perspective Of Urbanization: Ocean Acidification

    Introduction The environment in which we live in has, as a matter of fact, slowly depleted. The population of the human race has only increased over the centuries, and is the main cause of this occurrence. Margaret Thatcher, delivered a speech on November 9, 1989 in which she persuaded the United Nations to protect the…

  • Impact Of Urbanization On Environment

    The environment is constantly changing and evolving. Our response to these drastic changes are what makes the future of the earth and living. Whatever decisions we make, will be crucial as a lot is at stake. So I would like to take the side of the approach where we would make small and incremental changes…

  • Consequences Of Urbanization: Beneficial Or Destructive

    Urbanization refers to the population shift from the countryside to towns and cities. It is the process by which towns and cities are formed and how existing ones become larger as more people begin living and working in central areas in hope that they will enjoy a better standard of living. The United Nations predicts…

  • Urbanization As A Factor For Crime Increase Rate

    As stated by sociologist Gideon Sjoberg in 1965, the development of a city is dependent on the following three requirements: “good environment with fresh water and a favourable climate, advanced technology; which will produce a food surplus to support nonfarmers, and a strong social organization to ensure social stability and a stable economy” (Urbanization, n.d.).…