Category: To Build a Fire

  • To Build a Fire Conflict

    Jack London’s story, “To Build A Fire” is about a struggle of survival between man and nature, which happens through overconfidence and arrogance as opposed to experience and intelligence. These struggles arise through the man’s arrogance and overconfidence by ignoring the signs of nature. The man tries hard to meet his boys at the agreed…

  • To Build A Fire: Nature Vs Action

    The man came to terms with the fact that he was going to die. He was well aware that he made a mistake and his fight was over, but he did his best to survive. London explains how, “Well, he was bound to freeze anyway, and he might as well take it decently. With this…

  • To Build A Fire: Nature Vs Action

    The man came to terms with the fact that he was going to die. He was well aware that he made a mistake and his fight was over, but he did his best to survive. London explains how, “Well, he was bound to freeze anyway, and he might as well take it decently. With this…

  • The Man’s Portrait In Jack London’s To Build A Fire

    On a bleak and dreary Yukon day, the man in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”, embarks on a quest searching for gold. Although an old-timer advises the man to not venture out in such frigid cold, the man decides that he is well-equipped for his journey and can make it alone using only his…

  • The Man’s Portrait In Jack London’s To Build A Fire

    On a bleak and dreary Yukon day, the man in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”, embarks on a quest searching for gold. Although an old-timer advises the man to not venture out in such frigid cold, the man decides that he is well-equipped for his journey and can make it alone using only his…

  • Determinism And Instinct In To Build A Fire

    Regarding the protagonist, I would definitely say that rather than portraying free will, he is completely under nature’s thumb, meaning that his every move is predetermined, destined if you will. Throughout the story, as mentioned earlier, determinism of the man’s fate is portrayed through nature’s indifference, which she shows mercilessly in different ways. For example,…

  • Determinism And Instinct In To Build A Fire

    Regarding the protagonist, I would definitely say that rather than portraying free will, he is completely under nature’s thumb, meaning that his every move is predetermined, destined if you will. Throughout the story, as mentioned earlier, determinism of the man’s fate is portrayed through nature’s indifference, which she shows mercilessly in different ways. For example,…

  • The Awakening Journey In Young Goodman Brown And In To Build a Fire

    Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Jack London’s To Build a Fire are two stories that are similar in the way that both men embark on a journey into the unknown and face a threat to themselves within it. The two narratives have like features and similarities in their plots, settings, and themes. These…