Category: The Yellow Wallpaper

  • “The Tell-Tale Heart and the Yellow Wallpaper” by Perkins

    Insanity in Gothic Literature Gothic authors submerge their readers into the dark and depressing atmosphere as they slowly lead the characters through the traps of their minds. In many cases, the heroes are experiencing some forms of insanity, imagining or seeing the scary phenomena while others do not. Description of the madness in Gothic literature…

  • American Women in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

    American society encountered several changes. The changes included the gender equality issue. The author was one of the gender equality victims. Charlotte P. Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper novel describes the plight of discriminated women during the 19th Century American period. Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is a feminist novel. The Gilman novel discussed how 19th-century American…

  • Color in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

    American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s novella The Yellow Wallpaper details the deteriorating mental health of a woman experiencing postpartum depression. The room’s ugly, dirty yellow wallpaper forms the centerpiece of the novel. Her obsession with the yellow wallpaper marks her fall into psychosis throughout history. Thus, in the composition The Yellow Wallpaper, the wall color…

  • Analysis of “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman

    “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman is not simply a story of a particular unfortunate female but a depiction of what can happen to anyone who lives in isolation and faces oppression. I share Moore’s view that the image of the woman is collective, for which reason she actually remains unnamed. I also agree that…

  • Analysis of “The Yellow Wallpaper”: The Villain

    As a tool of oppression, gender roles have been affecting the lives of women across the globe. The problem of rigid gender roles and the suffocating effect they produce on women and girls has been studied from various perspectives, including artistic and, particularly, literary works. In her seminal short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins…

  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

    The concept of a social norm has been very rigid for quite a while, numerous compelling authors to express their indignation in the form of social satire, hyperbolized representations of social interactions, etc. The Yellow Wallpaper is, perhaps, the epitome of the phenomenon since it subverts the social standards, in general, and gender normativity, in…

  • Feminist “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

    The Yellow Wallpaper enlightens the reader about women’s health, motherhood, mental disorders, and treatment. This story is about feminism and gender relations in America at the end of the XIX century. Although many details have changed, the story is semi-autobiographical. The author relies on her health crisis, particularly her fraught relationship with Dr. Silas Weir…

  • Spiraling into Insanity: “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Perkins

    Being a perfect example of a gothic novel, “The Yellow Wallpaper” sets its readers on a journey through the dark realms of human nature. Its unique manner of narration makes it extraordinarily difficult to draw a line between what happens in reality and what represents the fantasies created by the tortured mind of the protagonist.…

  • The Yellow Wallpaper. Mrs. Spring Fragrance. Review

    The compositions left a profound trace in the literature of the XX century. Even though the stories are short, they contain significant ideas. The narratives are modernist since they describe the individual’s thoughts, not the social environment. The paper below represents a brief overview of the narrations. It also explains the belonging of two texts…

  • Strong Woman in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

    The book The Yellow Wallpaper portrays the values and social traditions of Victorian women, their problems, and their social position in society. Gilman attempts to demonstrate care and love by freeing women from the individual home and developing a unique approach to domestic tasks, such as child-care, As a feminist writer, Gilman portrays that most…