Category: The Necklace

  • Pride and Social Struggle in Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

    Table of Contents Introduction Brief Summary Literary Devices Maupassant on Pride and the Human Nature Believability and Impressions Conclusion References Introduction Guy de Maupassant is one of the most prominent writers who enriched French literature with a plethora of brilliant short stories. One of his most famous short stories is built around the main character’s…

  • Modern Fairy Tale: How The Necklace Tricks the Reader

    Table of Contents Distinctive Features of Guy De Maupassant’s Writings The Characteristics Present in The Necklace Realism: The Style of Guy De Maupassant Significance of Guy De Maupassant’s Writings Motifs of a Catastrophe The Trick of The Necklace Conclusion The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant is an intriguing story with an unexpected ending that any…

  • The Role on Women as Portrayed in The Necklace

    “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant depicts the place of a woman in a social hierarchy of the 19th-сentury France. The story about Madame Loisel, a poor clerk’s wife who dreamt of being rich, reflects the problem of opportunities for development and personal growth for women. A dramatic ending emphasizes the difficulties that they faced…

  • Lying in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

    In human life, lies are found in various forms and for many reasons. However, often, if not always, deceiving other people leads to lying to oneself. Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace,” tells about the senselessness of the pursuit of pretentiousness and brilliance of high society, which can turn out to be a fake overnight. Following…

  • “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

    The Necklace is one of the best-known short stories by Guy de Maupassant, the French novelettist of the second half of the 19th century. Similarly to a range of his other works, this one describes the life of the middle class along with a fate of a woman. A peculiarity of Maupassant’s style is an…

  • Irony in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

    Table of Contents The Necklace Irony: Introduction The Types of Irony in The Necklace Dramatic Irony in The Necklace Situational Irony in The Necklace Verbal Irony in The Necklace Structural Irony in The Necklace The Necklace Irony: Conclusion The Necklace Irony: Introduction Several types of irony were added in Maupassant’s story “The Necklace”. Each type…

  • Character Portrayal: “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

    Table of Contents Introduction Personality Background Motivation Relationships Conflicts Change Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In his captivating must-read chef-d’oeuvre ‘The Necklace’, Guy de Maupassant presents the story of Mathilde Loisel who happens to be a woman from a humble background who ends up doomed into a life of poverty by her dreams of wealth. Mathilde…

  • Mathilde in Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

    Table of Contents Introduction Appearance Personality Background Motivation Relationships Conflict Change Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Fiction writing is one of the most intriguing pieces of art in literature. Characterization is one of the integral parts of fiction writing. Characterization uses description to create characters that stick in mind. Therefore, when developing a character, the author…

  • “The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant: Character Portrayal

    Table of Contents Introduction Character analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Guy De Maupassant’s story, The Necklace is an example of how a writer uses various characters to develop the plot of the story leaving an everlasting memory on the reader. This essay will focus and determine Mathilde’s character as portrayed in the story The Necklace…

  • Literary Analysis of The Necklace: Essay Example

    Table of Contents The Necklace: Introduction of the Essay The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant: Characterization The Necklace Essay: Conflict and Narration The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant: Setting and Atmosphere The Necklace Essay: Tone, Language, and Major Theme The Necklace Essay: Critical Perspective The Necklace: Conclusion of the Essay Work Cited The Necklace: Introduction…