Category: The Great Gatsby

  • The Great Gatsby: American Dream Concept

    Table of Contents Introduction Failed American Dream in the Film Conclusion References Introduction The American Dream is based on the assumption that, according to Benjamin Franklin, the American society is meritocratic, and thus with hard work and honest dealings, anyone could achieve wealth, economic security, and community respect. As such, the industrious and honest could…

  • The Great Gatsby: Gatsby and the Decline of the American Dream

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Millions of people all over the world consider books to be a form of entertainment and use them as a gateway from their busy daily routine. Nevertheless, most of the writers aim at raising essential topics in their novels and stories and encourage individuals to think…

  • Green Light in The Great Gatsby

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is an American writer whose works were never given proper appreciation to when he was alive. This was a person who died with a firm belief that he was a failure. Most of his works refer to the period of Jazz Age,…

  • The Novel “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald

    In Chapter 1, “Gender, melancholy, and the whiteness of impersonal form in The Great Gatsby,” Greg Forter observes two main points. The first is that Fitzgerald’s feminine expressiveness is connected to Gatsby’s creative responsiveness. However, the author also finds a connection between Gatsby’s ethnicity and Fitzgerald’s ethnicity (Forter 51). At the same time, Forter suggests…

  • The Role of Love and Women in Great Gatsby and the Sun Also Rises

    Table of Contents Introduction How Brett and Daisy Compliment Each Other The Different Outlook by the Respective Authors Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Love is inextricably linked to women in both Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby” and Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” so much so that a serious discussion of one cannot be complete without the other. Daisy…

  • How Money and Wealth Depicted in the Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby”

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion References Introduction Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby documents a classical manifestation of the implications of social status and wealth. Fitzgerald uses numerous examples to illustrate material and wealth as though very influential and make people powerful; it cannot imply or buy happiness for an individual. In essence, wealth is…

  • The Great Gatsby Themes

    Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby depicts life in America in the 1920s focusing on the relationship between different classes and their representatives. The main character, Jay Gatsby, starts his life as a poor farm boy and earns his position in society and wealth through perseverance, commitment to his dreams, and hard work. This concept of the personal…

  • Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the twentieth century, the “Jazz Age” in America. The writer considers many socially and morally significant topics in the novel, such as love, friendship, social division, and money. The last one is trickier than it seems at first. The concept of “old money”…

  • The Great Gatsby: Illusions in Human Existence

    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is often analyzed from the point of view of opposing dreams and reality, the spiritual and material world, and the inconsistency of the genre diversity of the novel. The Great Gatsby is usually viewed as a characteristic novel for its era, the main theme of which is a…

  • The American Dream: Jay Gatsby’s Illegal Wealth

    Table of Contents Jay Gatsby with the Illegal Wealth The Dangers of Being Self-Involved The Way to Wealth Conclusion References The American Dream is a happy way of living believed in the United States that anyone has a chance for success and can also rise to a higher social or economic position by working hard.…