Category: Success

  • The Social Movement’s Success or Failure

    Table of Contents Introduction Factors That Made Some Movements More Appealing and Successful Factors That Cause the Failure of Social Movements Role of Leadership in the Success of Social Movements Conclusion References Introduction Social movements refer to organized groups, which are purposeful and determined to achieve common goals. The main objective of social movements is…

  • Practice as Fundamental Principle of Success

    Introduction The saying practice makes perfect is a fundamental principle for success in any endeavor. There is no shortcut to mastery; while some people may have an intrinsic aptitude for a particular subject or skill, mastery requires time, repetition, and stepping beyond the comfort zone. It is true for every profession and industry that the…

  • Socioeconomic Background as a Barrier to Success

    The books The Dreams of Two Yi-min by Margaret Mai and Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Lilia Villanueva and Craig Scharlin have many vital points in common. In their stories, the authors reveal the lives of people who arrive in the United States from remote countries…

  • “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

    Introduction In the second chapter of his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the prerequisites, which are important for reaching success in various professional areas. To some degree, the author’s discussion is based on the study of various violinists. In particular, this research carried out by other scholars indicates that the top…

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology’s Measure of Success

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction In the modern technological environment, the demands of consumers shift from one gadget to another. The latest advancement in this area that has gained tremendous popularity among consumers is the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is being used for recreational and artistic purposes such as photography…

  • Immigrant Child’s Acculturation and Academic Success

    Immigrant families meet a number of challenges when moving to the USA, including a language barrier, the lack of a job, social insecurity, and others. While adults struggle to overcome these obstacles on the way to acclimatizing to a new environment, children face their own struggles. Specifically, many school-age immigrants have difficulty learning English as…

  • NAS Plan Roadmap for Success

    The National Airspace System’s (NAS) navigation is being modernized thanks to the efforts of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other aviation partners. Essentially, FAA and aviation stakeholders created and released a study titled “Roadmap for Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)” as part of this endeavor. PBN services establish the groundwork for the NAS of tomorrow by…

  • How Success Can Have Negative Effects

    While success is very much desired and admired, it has been known to cause some negative effects. People tend to regard successful people with high regard and respect and successful people such as doctors, business owners, sports personalities, musicians, and people from other professions are regarded with great regard. However, some successful people pay a…

  • Autocratic Success in the American Car Industry

    The automobile industry has always played a substantial role in the economics of any modern country. It provides thousands of people with workplaces, and its products are invaluable in the daily life of an ordinary citizen. However, it is impossible to ignore the fact that their products are expensive and are directly tied to the…

  • “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Gladwell

    Gladwell’s Secret to Success In his 2008 best-selling book Outliers: The story of success, Malcolm Gladwell argues that the key part of reaching an expert or master level at something is preparation, namely 10,000 of practice. Gladwell (2008) refers to “practice” as conducting a task with the purpose of improvement. The author clarified that the…