Category: Students

  • High-Risk Substance Use in Kenyan Students

    Abstract This dissertation focuses on high-risk prevalence among Kenyan high school, college, and university students. International organizations and numerous researchers indicate that this problem is universal and especially acute for developing nations. Consequently, scientific evidence reveals that Kenya suffers from the situation, meaning that a study is needed to investigate this issue. The purpose of…

  • The Sexual Identity: Adolescent Students

    Social skills present an important element of students’ development and foundation of communication and relationships with others. There are three primary concepts of social development, one of which, the theory of mind, suggests that people can learn to read or understand other people’s mental states. Being able to use the theory of mind in children…

  • Lack of Understanding for Students With Full-Time Jobs

    Being a college student is hard because getting a degree requires a lot of effort and substantial financial support. However, being a working student with a full-time job is even more challenging due to a lack of understanding for off-campus or online students who do not have enough time for studying. In addition to the…

  • Social Interaction Among University Students

    Human beings are different and unique, affecting how individuals relate to each other. However, broad classifications of people’s personalities are based on how well they can express themselves. These categories affect how these people can interact; they include extroverts, introverts, and ambiverts. Extroverts love to express themselves, and their personality making interactions easy and even…

  • “Mapping Students’ Decision-Making…” by Sharma et al.

    In the article ‘Mapping Students’ Decision-Making Process across University Ranking Parameters: A Quantitative Study’, Sharma et al. (2020) implemented one-way ANOVA to indicate the difference between five parameters of the National Institutional Ranking framework. Analysis of variance or ANOVA is one of the most common statistical research methods that implement F statistics (Kim, 2017). ANOVA’s…

  • Student Commencement Address at American University

    American University has always been a place for speeches, ever since the famous speech “A Strategy of Peace” given by the President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963. Despite the fact that the President spoke about the importance of peace for his country in the context of that decade, we can agree that everything…

  • Project-Based Learning for the Holistic Development of Engineering Students

    Though theoretical knowledge is essential, there is a growing belief that while teaching applied sciences, particularly engineering, a great emphasis should be put on the development of students practical skills. Therefore, some courses and curriculums need to be revised to improve the current state of education in this sphere. Many experts claim that, for that…

  • Research Methods for Business Students

    Introduction This article compares two research papers based on the understanding of various criteria. The first paper is titled, “How do suppliers relationships contribute to success in conference and events management?” and is authored by Susan M. Ogden and Eileen McCorriston of the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. In our article, we shall refer to…

  • The Student Learning Analysis: Principal Conclusions After the Internship

    Introduction: Choice of Practice Location and Its Description Addiction behavior therapy is a topic that is consistently relevant around the world. The number of psychiatric patients and people with various addictions is now increasing. It is essential for professionals who encounter these clients to upgrade their qualifications to become confident practitioners. Interning as a counselor…

  • The Impact of Teacher Unionization Upon the Education of Students

    Introduction Teacher unions were formed basically to give teachers a collective bargaining power and a way to air their views. According to statistics by the NEA and AFT by the year 2004 an estimated 45% of the teachers in public schools are members of one union or another1. Teacher loyalists have argued that there is…