Category: Sports and Culture

  • Power and Authority in Professional Sports

    Professional leagues emerged after sports clubs found it wise to centralize the organization of their games. Clubs saw it fit to organize themselves into leagues to increase the benefits that would accrue from combining their operations such as better operating profits (Rosner & Shropshire, 2011). In this sense, professional leagues do not have the same…

  • Canadian National Identity and Sport

    Introduction Almost every nation/country has unique elements that distinguish it from other nations in the world. For instance, physical features, languages, currencies, cultures, wildlife, and sports are some of the elements that define countries and distinguish nations from others. It is imperative to note that some countries are multicultural and use more than one languages.…

  • “Children Need to Play, Not Compete’” by Jessica Statsky

    In, “Children Need to Play, not compete” Jessica Statsky explores trends in the U.S for the last three decades on organized sports for children. She argues that parental pressure and expectations from coaches require children to fulfill their desires rather than that of children. According to her, highly organized sports like Peewee football ball were…

  • Sports and People’s Attitudes Toward It

    Sport should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for every person. Physical exercises keep athletes fit and strong, develop stress resistance, and have a beneficial impact on appearance. Despite the evident positive aspects of sports, people have diverse attitudes towards systematic physical activity. Sports can be intentionally avoided out of laziness, fear of…

  • Sports Law and Commercialization of Games

    Table of Contents Introduction The first problems in the field of sports law History of the development of the sports sector Transformation of sports into a commodity for consumption Introduction In the modern world, political science and sport are increasingly being integrated. As a result of any actions that may be perceived ambiguously by the…

  • Meaningful Life and Sports

    Introduction First of all, it is necessary to mention, that sports have been deeply interwoven with our lives. Everyone has an opportunity to either going in for sports themselves or following the sports matches and competitions by means of the media. Currently, we have the freedom to sit back and have spare time and watch…

  • Steroids and Sports: Legalization of Steroids

    Table of Contents Abstract Use of Steroids in Sports: An Introduction Benefits and Use of Steroids in Sports Medical Benefits of Steroids Legal Issues Relating to Use of Steroids Arguments for Legalizing Steroids Conclusion References Appendix Abstract Steroids are controlled drugs which, although can be prescribed by physicians and hence used for medical treatment, are…

  • Cheerleading as a Kind of Sports

    Cheerleading is a relatively new kind of sport that first appeared in American colleges. Its primary purpose was to encourage team members and entertain the audience, and it was not regarded as a separate sport. With time cheerleading has evolved into an independent activity, and nowadays, it is a part of sports competitions. This activity…

  • Developing Trust and Building Positive Team Relations

    Introduction Teamwork involves working in a group of people, where an individual’s opinions are coordinated with other contributions, and refined to produce the desired outcome. At times, individual opinions may be sidelined for the benefit of unity and efficiency of a group. Through teamwork, people enhance their communication skills and coordination ability. However, when working…

  • New Policy on Steroid Testing: Morally Justified?

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References: Introduction In 2004, there was a great scandal in the world of athletics. Things could have been otherwise had it not been for a careless athlete who mistakenly forgot a syringe in his hotel room. As a result, a coach came across the syringe and reported the…