Category: Sound

  • “Casablanca”: Creating a Plot with the Help of Sound

    Table of Contents Introduction Developing the Technique The interweaving of the Techniques Importance of Sound. Contemporary and Old Use Creating a Plot with the Help of Sound in Casablanca Political Movements in Casablanca’s Sound Application Conclusion References Introduction Casablanca – the greatest film of all times ironically has long been just another ordinary film. Adopting…

  • Visual and Sound Editing of Memento

    Memeno Shower Scene Editing, Transitions, and Their Effect The scene starts with the closeup of the identifiable memento of a liquor bottle. Given the movie’s non-linear plot, the montage has to link the crucial props to the events that happened beforehand. The closeup of a bottle, as an application of Hitchcock’s rule, symbolizes the previous…

  • Sound and Space in Urban Settings

    Project Description While Crossing a London Square, there are a number of views that you can experience. A London square-park has been chosen in order to experiment the experience of vision while you are passing through it.The square which has been chosen is surrounded by a number of features. These are the River, the Oxo…

  • Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm and Growth Analysis

    Jan C. LaRue’s “Guidelines for Style Analysis” is a comprehensive tool for listening to music in a systematic and comparative way. The SHMRG categories (Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, and Growth) provide a framework for breaking down and analyzing various aspects of a piece of music. Sound encompasses the overall sound quality of the music, including…

  • Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound

    Today, the soundtrack is an integral part of the movie industry. It is difficult to imagine watching a film without listening to the dialogues between characters. Even in movies where conversations are kept to a minimum, various sounds are used to set the atmosphere of the scene. This report will outline three facts about the…

  • “Evoking Sound: Fundamentals of Choral Conducting” by Jordan

    James Jordan, in his book Evoking Sounds, Fundamentals of Choral Conducting 2nd edition, gives an overview of how music creators can allow their music to “speak” to the right audiences. In chapter 23, the author explains that there are four main phases that have to be considered when creating memorable music. The four phases are…