Category: Socialization

  • Importance and Definition of Socialization

    People are highly social creatures who need to live in communities to survive and develop properly. Although genetic factors are critical, socialization is equally important and is defined in many ways. This process sets people’s social identity, teaches them to take roles, controls their behavior, and transmits culture, which is important for the development (and…

  • Political Socialization in a Global World

    Today we are all living in a challenging but interesting time. For many of us, the world began in 1988, with the invention of the Internet. Since then, much has changed, not to mention the Windows interface and the presentation of the first iPhone in 2012. This paper aims to provide a politically socialized vision…

  • Socialization Theories by Mead, Cooley, Piget

    Table of Contents Introduction Comparing Different Concepts of Socialization Conclusion References Introduction Socialization is a powerful process through which human beings learn the behaviors, cultural aspects, and ways associated with their respective societies. The complexity of the process explains why it is influenced by the surrounding environment, parents, relatives, strangers, and media outlets. It is…

  • Genie Wiley’s Struggle for Successful Socialization

    Table of Contents Nature and Nurture Language Development Learning Theories Stages of Development Ethical Guidelines Conclusion References Most modern humans are raised in a society where they are taught to talk, interact, and develop different skills according to the norms of the people around them. Children are expected to walk upright, learn the language, and…

  • Informal Meeting and Socialization of Employees After Work Hours

    Introduction Since human beings are largely social creatures, it is important to study interpersonal interactions and relationships in order to learn about the culture of groups and communities. Ethnography is the research method that allows for these observations and conclusions to be made, ultimately contributing to anthropological studies of the world. This study focuses on…

  • Agents of Socialization Overview and Analysis

    Socialization is a process of becoming a member of a social group that accompanies a person throughout their entire life. One acquires the necessary roles, values, and standards as a result. People and institutes that facilitate the process are the agents of socialization, although some, particularly from the former group, may not realize their importance.…

  • Socialization Through the Life Course

    Socialization is “how individuals, beginning at an early age and continuing throughout their lives, learn about societal norms, values, and beliefs” (Luther et al., 2018, p. 16). It serves as an instrument of accord and unity among the members of society to ensure its survival. An agent of socialization is someone or something that “serves…

  • Socialization in “Life as the Maid’s Daughter” by Mary Romero

    Mary Romero’s Life as the Maid’s Daughter is an essential piece of literature highlighting the differences between white upper-middle-class and Mexican working-class societies. The research was assisted by private household workers of color, sharing their experiences and struggles. The narrative follows Teresa’s life, a live-in maid’s daughter, exploring the constant social and racial challenges and…

  • Sports Activities, Socialization, and Deviance

    Table of Contents Introduction Sports and Socialization Organized Youth Sports Deviance in Sports Conclusion References Introduction Sports activities have been part of human life since the beginning of the human race, especially among children, teens, and young adults. However, organized sports became popular in the 20th century after realizing that the social environment and everyday…

  • Physicians and Nurse Practitioners: Their Role and Socialization Process

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of MDs and NPs Process of socialization of NPs and MDs Society’s perception of MDs and NPs Conclusion Reference List Introduction In the medical field, there are physicians (MD) and nurse practitioners (NP). The nurse practitioner’s position was initially created to fill up the gap left by the shortage of…