Category: Social Science

  • Overview In this assignment, you will look at examples of research projects wher

    Overview In this assignment, you will look at examples of research projects where the results were tainted and evaluate why things were able to go wrong. Prompt In this assignment, you will review summaries of actual research studies. For each research study, consider potential ethical and research design issues that impacted the study and its…

  • Social Sciences Models and Circular Questions

    The questions that have been applied during the discussion with a couple of strengths and resources align with three social science models. Namely, the postmodernist, social constructionism, and recovery frameworks are attributed to the inquiries that were presented during the therapy. In regard to postmodernism, the approach highlights the influence of social factors fracturing knowledge…

  • Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

    The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given an equal opportunity or probability…

  • Sociologists as Heroes of Social Sciences

    The list below includes many figures from different areas of sociology. Perhaps, these names are not all the people who donated their knowledge and experience for the benefit of the development of sociology. Nevertheless, they may be called the most outstanding representatives of their epoch. The historical significance of their activities is rather difficult to…

  • Rational Choice Theories in Social Sciences

    Table of Contents Abstract Defining the Theory The Research on the Theory The Application of RCT in Everyday Situations Conclusion References Abstract Rational choice theories emerged in economics models and were designed to examine human action and behavior in social science. RCT is a set of theories that emphasize the unforced nature of human action…

  • Social Sciences: Postdevelopment Literature and Theories

    Draft The paper is on Post-development literature where the fundamentals of development are evaluated from the perspective of Rostow’s development theory and Wolfgang Sachs’ approach as a post-development thinker. Alongside, Implications of Rostow’s theory is also discussed with priority to understand the basic issues of the study. Discussion of Rostow’s development theory in the context…

  • The Meaning and the Purpose of Social Science

    Understanding the meaning and the purpose of social science, or sociology, is not only detrimental for further studies within the context of the discipline but also the general and multi-dimensional knowledge of an individual. Social sciences are essential for exploring the relationships and interconnections of human beings, including the conditions that limit their lives and…

  • Theory and Methodology in Social Science Research

    Table of Contents Significance of a suitable question Three research problems Discussion Conclusion Reference Significance of a suitable question The issue of media in everyday life of human beings is among the most pivotal. The question is that living in the post-industrial society, one needs to use information, as the main product of suchlike type…

  • Social Sciences: Current Realities, and Future Trends

    Social sciences emerged when the need arose for the scientific study of human behavior and the functioning of public institutions. This explanation underlies the analysis of the main spheres of society, such as culture, social interaction, problems of social inequality, social institutions, as well as economic and political systems (Colander & Hunt, 2015). This review…

  • What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

    Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and provide the ways to discuss…