Category: Social Networking

  • Models of Small-World Social Networks

    The rate of the spread of HIV infections in a population is proportional to the number of individuals with multiple sex partners at the same time within the population. Although most individuals in a social network will have a few sex partners, a small percentage of individuals will have a significant number of sexual contacts.…

  • Social Networking: Privacy and Surveillance

    Internet sites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, among others, have created new revolutionary ways to communicate, socialize, and interact. Other powerful mobile and web-based applications have also been developed for almost every social aspect of human life: From Uber, which helps users to get a taxi and commute hustle…

  • Women’s Stress Caused by Social Networks

    Social networks construct and reinforce normative conceptions of femininity and women’s appearance. According to O-Neill (2014), “young women and girls are under more pressure than ever before to look a certain way” (para. 1). Older women are not an exception to this rule. López-Guimerà, Levine, Sánchez-Carracedo, and Fauquet (2012) state that women under thirty-five are…

  • Social Networking Sites: Companies Fan Pages Popularity

    Clients are the biggest asset of social networking sites, thus, efforts should be made not only to acquire new ones, but also to maintain the existing ones by ensuring client satisfaction. Social networking sites ensure that their users stay on board by reassuring them that they are in the best site that is capable of…

  • Social Networking Benefits in Social Life

    Table of Contents Issues in Social Networking Types of Appeal Possible Benefits of Social Networking References Issues in Social Networking In recent years, it is becoming increasingly clear that social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter provide users with numerous new and exciting opportunities for establishing relationships across the geographic landscape (Rodricks, 2009), but…

  • TikTok: Getting Acquainted with Social Network

    The era of intensified globalization processes was catalyzed by the emergence of the large-scale Internet. The central goal of the creation of the Internet was originally the idea of forming a platform for easy access to all kinds of information. However, it is clear that with the development of global networks, this need could no…

  • Aspects of Social Networking

    Humans have not changed through the centuries of historical development. People socialize and find multiple ways to connect to their relatives, friends, and colleagues as fast and comfortably as possible; so, the technologies changed. Now, the exhausting instruments and devices for distant communication are gradually being replaced by social networking. The concept supposes the known…

  • Is Social Networking Bad for Society?

    How much time does an average contemporary individual spend using various social media? A modern person starts their day checking social networks for news and messages, during the day this person logs in and out multiple times to review various pages, finally in the end of the day the person spends hours chatting through the…

  • Executives’ Compensation Levels: Social Network Analysis

    Abstract The present research investigates the impact of networks and connectedness on the CEO compensation, CEO appointments, CEO labour market outcomes, and CEO termination. In addition, this research establishes the connections between the CEO and the hiring board and compares it to the general connectedness of the CEO. The study demonstrates that both forms of…

  • Employee Access to Social Networks at Work

    In the day and age of the rise of information technology, social media serves as a powerful tool for communication for people in all areas of life. Work is no exception: many employees use social media during work to collaborate, share information, and search for solutions to problems. Bizzi (2018) states that research has shown:…