Category: Social Networking

  • People’s Attitude toward Social Networking Services

    Social networks became the people’s everyday reality, and today the public is divided into the proponents of using these services and opponents who focus on the advantages of the face-to-face interaction. Furthermore, the users of social networking services can also be divided into groups according to their attitude to this popular online activity. From this…

  • Social Networks’ Impact on Companies’ Operations

    Table of Contents Introduction How Facebook Helps Companies Improve Operations How Twitter has Improved Marketing Operations in Business Conclusion Works Cited Introduction E-commerce refers to the selling and acquisitions of goods or services through internet platforms and the transfer of finances to complete the business. Social networking is applying social media sites based on the…

  • Social Networks’ Advantages and Disadvantages

    It is not easy to imagine the modern world without computers, information technologies, and the Internet because they have already managed to occupy a special place in every person’s life. Networks have given people the opportunity to communicate potential that was not there before (Miller et al., 2016). Social networks are prevalent, but they have…

  • Aspects of Technology and Social Network

    Technology and social networks occupy an important place in people’s lives and some individuals, bloggers, even combine work and persona life, as it brings them income. In addition, recently, employers have been checking social networks when hiring a person, which is quite a controversial practice. On the one hand, publications on the candidate’s page can…

  • Excessive Use of Social Networks

    Table of Contents Problem Statement Social Media Addiction Decreased Attention Span Information Addiction Effect on the Psyche Ways to Reduce the Harmful Effects of Social Networks The Benefits of Social Networks Conclusion Works Cited Problem Statement The apocalypse of the 21st century might look like blocking social networks for 2 hours. There is panic in…

  • An Analysis of the Discourse of Social Networks

    The method of research used by the authors is a qualitative analysis of the discourse of social networks, namely Facebook. Using Northrup’s theory of identity in intractable conflict, the authors analyze how users use dehumanizing language and thereby normalize dangerous levels of hatred (Harel et al., 2020). Researchers note negative trends inherent in the Internet…

  • The Role of Social Networks in People’s Everyday Lives and Social Movements

    Social networks have an essential role for every person who uses them to keep in touch with friends and find new information for themselves, to learn about all the news from around the world. A few years ago, social networks were not that big yet, but today people can use them for almost anything in…

  • Social Networks’ Impact on Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Comparing Social Media with Other Disruptive Technologies Interconnection of the World Usage in Education Usage in Businesses Social Disruptions Negative Influence on Personalities Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Cause-effect phenomenon means the consequences of something: for example, an influence of technologies on society and the world in general. The technology that I…

  • Social Networks’ Destructive Impact on Society

    Ferdinand Tonnies and Karl Marx believed collective human effort leads to producing new qualities in society, either non-physical or material. Tonnies advocated for a community that cultivates feelings of belonging, mutual dependence, and togetherness. Marx believed in the importance of collaborative human labor as it pertains to producing economic goods. Thus, “social media” is defined…

  • Security of Information Sharing on Social Networking Sites

    Table of Contents Summary Assessment Critical Thinking References Summary Nick Hajli and Xiaolin Lin wrote the article “Exploring the security of information sharing on social networking sites,” which focuses on how the social networking site (SNS) causes a threat to privacy and ethical conduct. The authors begin the article with a declaration of how the…