Category: Social Networking

  • E-Learning and Social Networking: Articles Comparison

    Introduction In an article titled “The Impact of E-learning on end-users Satisfaction”, the author sets out to investigate the levels of satisfaction that come with e-learning experiences. In the second article, the main subject is Facebook and how it is used by students for learning purposes. The two articles follow the formats of scholarly academic…

  • Online Privacy on Social Networking Sites

    When signing up for a social networking site, a person is typically asked to provide personal information. Most people do not think twice about providing this information because they assume that the site will take measures to protect their privacy. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case since many social networking sites are notorious for selling…

  • The Uses and Abuses of Social Networking Sites

    The impact of social networking sites on people’s personal and professional growth While evaluating the uses and abuses of social networking sites, it is necessary to consider some basic information, concerning an opportunity cyberspace provides people with. First of all, it should be pointed out that such social networking sites as Facebook, MySpace are widely…

  • Data Mining for Predictive Social Network Analysis

    Introduction Efficient data mining requires the use of sources corresponding to the spirit of the times. In the present-day world, such sources are related to the ones that appear due to technological progress. For this paper, Twitter is appraised as a mine of information that reflects the opinions of people on every matter (Lashari &…

  • Social Networking Advantages and Disadvantages

    The emergence of online communication has introduced significant shifts to social perception of communication and media. New channels of cooperation and coordination, as well as possibility to be in touch with people all over the world, have created a new sphere of social interaction. The popularity of such social networks as Facebook and Twitter expands…

  • Social Networks as a New Way of Socialization

    The traditional agents of socialization in modern society are the family, school, and church, which open up the world and friends to each person. Each of them complements the other in equal measure and serves as a support for the individual, allowing them to exist comfortably in society. However, digitalization has advanced society so much…

  • Social Networking: Positive and Negative Outcomes

    Nowadays it is impossible to imagine that people can do without the Internet. It helps people share information, it helps people do business, it helps them to study, etc. Of course, the Internet helps individuals communicate irrespective of distances. People have become closer. However, more and more researchers argue that the Internet and especially social…

  • McCain Online Campaign in Form of Social Networking

    Table of Contents Introduction Announcement of McCain Elections and campaigning process Advantages of online campaigning Disadvantages of an online campaign References Introduction The online campaign in form of social networking incorporates My space, Facebook, YouTube and other online sites have been used in McCain campaign and has helped many Americans and another possible voter in…

  • Privacy Issues in Social Networks

    Table of Contents Background Current Problem Research Question and Methodology Importance and Limitations of the Selected Research Problem References Background Being used by hundreds of millions of people every day, online social networks have become a major platform for communication. Nowadays, such platforms are a popular tool to improve information search and promote social interaction.…

  • Social Networking Sites as a Tool for Shy and Lonely People

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature review Research questions Hypothesis Methodology Participants Procedure Measure Limitations of the Study References Introduction In the past, loneliness was not recognized by psychiatric textbooks as a problem. Robert Heiss, a researcher at Harvard School however started carrying out research on the subject around 1970. He established that a number of…