Category: Social Change

  • Social Change in the 21st Century

    The 21st century has been bringing significant changes to many spheres of people’s lives, both personal and professional. Globalization, the transformation of work processes, and the development of technologies influence the functioning of the world. Ways of communication, education, and working are becoming increasingly flexible, allowing people not to be tied to one place. In…

  • Social Change and Advocacy Comparison

    The society is rapidly changing nowadays, and the changes that take place within it affect different groups of individuals in distinct ways and to different degrees. The fact that some (vulnerable) groups may be left behind means that advocacy is paramount to promote their interests as well. This paper considers the differences between social change…

  • Social Exchange Theory in Organizations and Workplaces

    Table of Contents Summary Introduction Significance Literature review Conclusion References Summary Social exchange theory is based on the premise that the interactions and communications between human beings occur from the motivation of rewards and reduction of losses (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). The theory is also built on the premise that the outcome of profitable relationships…

  • Social Change in Rosenhayn Community

    The quaint little town of Rosenhayn is found in the U.S. state of New Jersey. With only one neighborhood and a total population of 1,150 people, Rosenhayn occupies the 467th place among the most populous communities in New Jersey (Rosenhayn, New Jersey). The people who call Rosenhayn home come from various cultural backgrounds. The people…

  • Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

    Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or her identity. One of the…

  • Should Social Norms Change at the Brink of the New Era?

    Table of Contents Introduction: Entering the New Century The Positive Outcomes: Beyond the Boundaries The Negative Outcomes: Forgetting the Basic Principles The Possible Solution: Searching for the Golden Mean Conclusion: As Far as the Change Goes… Works Cited Introduction: Entering the New Century Living in a world without any social, political or moral restrictions can…

  • The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change

    Table of Contents Introduction Historical Context and the Politics of Racial Inequality Black-Led Social Change Philanthropy Conclusion References Introduction This critical review addresses a report titled, The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change, written by Susan Taylor Batten and Nat Chioke Williams. Batten and Williams (2020) analyze the role of philanthropy in the push for…

  • Social Change Theory and Social Media

    A serious approach to the use of social media must involve knowledge of the sociological models in which these media fit. Social networks are extremely closely integrated into the everyday existence of a person and everyday consciousness. On this basis, it would make sense to interpret one’s behavior in the network through a modern sociological…

  • The Impact of Social Change on the Education System

    As social change occurs, the education system too undergoes some transformation. This is marked with the need for an education system that advocates for equality and social justice. It has been mentioned that the political ideology influences what is taught by the education system. Changes are noted in the curriculum to reflect what people view…

  • Post-Industrial Society: Durkheim’s Social Change Model

    Durkheim argues that religion is the foundation of thought and being a permanent aspect of humanity it’s the basis of all other social dealings. The cognitive self is a product of religious thought. Religion according to him is a planned system of beliefs, attitudes and practices uniting into a single institution that makes the religious…