Category: Sigmund Freud

  • Freud and the Split Subject: The Nature of Self

    Table of Contents Introduction History Freud’s Personality and “Self” Discussion Works Cited Introduction Freud’s model of ‘self’ introduced a revolutionary approach to philosophical thinking established by the Enlightenment notions of subjectivity. While Enlightenment philosophers viewed the self as an essence with which one is born and is unchanged with time, Freud demonstrated a complex model…

  • Sigmund Freud’s Book the Future of an Illusion

    Sigmund Freud’s book The Future of an Illusion is a psychoanalytical work discussing the tenets of civilization and the impact of religious ideas on society. Success in any community is dependent on controlling people’s desires and harnessing their collective ability to create wealth. However, wealth congregates around the minority upper class, and the ruling class…

  • Freud’s and Inside-Out and Outside-In Theories

    In life, human beings go through a process of development. Many theorists have come up with ways of explaining the development through stages or a continuous series. There is a need to examine the theories that explain the steps to understand this growth pattern. The inside-out and outside-in approaches also makes help explain the language…

  • Freud’s Psychosexual Theory Aspects and Principles

    Sigmund Freud thought that children may get sexual pleasure from any area of their bodies and that they go through five psychosexual phases during childhood that create their adult personalities. The human psyche, according to Freud, comprises three components that operate on distinct levels of consciousness and interact with one another to form actions. The…

  • The Exploring Freud’s “Uncanny”

    Table of Contents Argument Support Evidence Critique Bibliography Argument The main argument laid out by Freud in The Uncanny is that there is strangeness in the ordinary. Psychoanalysts rarely investigate the subject of aesthetics understood as a feeling of the qualities of feeling. However, the uncanny interested Freud as something belonging to all that is…

  • Freud Essay Ego 1914

    Narcissism Theory The essay commented on the fundamental relationship between the developing self (ego) and external “objects,” by which Freud meant people. Throughout the narrative description of past events, Sigmund Freud’s theory (1914) about narcissism was developed into the presentation of lots of psychological ideas and mind complexities. One of those is the introduction of…

  • Critical Analysis of The Uncanny Theory by Sigmund Freud

    People are no strangers to the concept of family, what it means to play a role in a household in order to paint a portrait of normalcy for society. Yet, since the introduction of Charles Addam’s the Addam’s Family (1938), a family who delights in the macabre and are arguably unaware or do not care,…

  • Essay on The Uncanny: Analysis of Freudian Concept

    The uncanny is a Freudian concept1, entirely psychological in nature, where the unknown becomes eerily recognizable, both deplorable and desirable; this perverse attraction to the taboo results in either self or societal rejection. Within the Gothic, the uncanny simultaneously evokes feelings of terror and attraction, Morris citing that it “derives its terror (…) from something…

  • Sigmund Freud And His Psychoanalytic Theory

    Theorist’s Background Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist who is credited to have developed the field of psychoanalysis. He was the first child of Amalia and Jacob, her husband. The family resided in a small rental house situated above a blacksmith’s shopping facility in Freiberg. Freud has traced his development of the sense of…

  • Theories Of Personality: Sigmund Freud Vs Carl Rogers

    Introduction to Freud and Rogers’ Theories of Personality Psychology has been a part of our lives for many years and there are a multitude of perspectives on human personality. Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers theories of personality have changed the world of psychology forever. There analysis on human progress and the steps it takes towards…