Category: Sexual Harassment

  • Workplace Violence and Harassment

    Character Analysis: Contributors to Domestic and Workplace Violence Workplace violence may take many forms and can have far-reaching consequences for employees’ health and well-being, job duration, employment stability, and career satisfaction. According to Hango and Moyser (2018), workplace harassment encompasses verbal abuse, demeaning behavior, personal threats, physical assault, and sexually inappropriate attention or sexual harassment.…

  • Workplace Harassment and Retaliation

    This paper discusses the topic of workplace harassment and its different aspects. In particular, the definition of harassment as a whole is discussed, pertaining to both employee and non-employee led harassment against individuals. Furthermore, particulars of verbal, physical, and online harassment are discussed. The paper aims at enhancing the awareness of the problem and providing…

  • Understanding Sexual Harassment Law in Action

    Based on the scenario, does Paula have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile work environment harassment? Based on the scenario, Paula is viable to hostile work environment harassment. Sexual harassment can either be a hostile environment or quid pro quo (MacKinnon & Reva, 2004). Quid pro quo sexual harassment…

  • “Street Harassment: Current and Promising Avenues for…” by Logan

    Table of Contents Background Summary Rhetorical Appeals Tone and Juxtaposition Statistics How Her Article Could Be Made Stronger Reference Background The problem of street harassment is a common yet underdiscussed phenomenon. Being glanced over due to its perceived lack of significance and substance, it turns out to have a range of underlying issues, including a…

  • Workplace Harassment in Canada

    In recent years, more attention has been paid by researchers and people from various fields to the problem of harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common in many areas of human activity. It can occur at work, in educational and sports institutions, in shops, and in other places. This issue also attracts social media that inform…

  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Work

    Sexual harassment has become more prevalent over the past ten years, raising concerns on a national and global level. However, various international bodies like the ILO in the United Nations agency have made huge efforts to create awareness of its existence. Consequently, the initiatives have led to more cases of women’s sexual harassment being made…

  • Sexual Harassment at Workplace in Massage Industry

    Sexual harassment is a common issue in workplaces worldwide. It can be related to any gender, but the issue is particularly relevant for women. There are various laws and acts that are purposed to protect people from such behavior of others, yet the problem is still present and requires attention. More often, sexual harassment is…

  • Workplace Sexual Harassment: Problem Solutions

    Table of Contents Definition of the Problem Seek out Relevant Assistance, Guidance, and Support Alternative Solutions to the Problem Evaluation of Identified Alternatives Making and Implementing the Decision Evaluating the Decision References Definition of the Problem The ethical decision model is among the most used ethical strategies that aid in creating the most efficient solutions…

  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Preventive Measures

    Sexual harassment is an issue that continues to be witnessed in society today, with women being most affected, especially in the workplace. It entails any physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct based on sex and usually has adverse effects on the dignity of women and men at the workplace, this includes unwanted sexual comments use of…

  • Sexual Harassment Predicament and Analytical Solutions

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis of Sexual Harassment in School Analytical Solutions to Sexual Harassment Works cited Introduction Sexual harassment violates both State and Federal law (Marshall 104). Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that involves sexual advances that are unwelcome and sexual favors requests. Sexual harassment can be physical or verbal. Sexual…