Category: September 11

  • 9/11 Commission Report’s Critical Thinking Analysis

    Introduction After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a special commission was formed to investigate the details of this tragedy. The commission began a comprehensive inquiry that required it to use critical thinking. The published report is extensive, describing the events, identifying key questions, defining components, presenting evidence, and discussing implications and recommendations (National Commission on Terrorist…

  • On the Reasons for the Terrorist Attack on September 11

    Perhaps no other occurrence in recent times has generated as many explanations as to the September 11th attack eight years ago. It received condemnation worldwide, the attack being termed as the most disastrous the world has seen since the end of the Cold War. However, there appears a divergent line of thought which contends that…

  • War on Terrorism on USA After 9/11/2001

    The way to treat costs incurred in the acquisition of a new plant When the decision and commitment was made to purchase the plant, the company acquired an asset whose the purchase cost will be equivalent to the amount that will be paid; the purchase price should be capitalized as a whole however there are…

  • September 11, 2001: Understanding the Present Through the Past

    Table of Contents Introduction The Importance of Learning History Back in History: 9/11 The Impact of Negative Consequences on a Person Understanding the Present through the Past Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The events of the past live on in everyone’s memories. People often think about them, try to evaluate them, and draw valuable lessons. It…

  • Researching of 9-11 Commission

    The 9/11 Commission was formed in 2002 after the events of September 11, 2001 to investigate what really happened (Entman & Stonbely, 2018). It was headed by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Keen (Hughes, 2020). The 9/11 attack in America is a series of coordinated terrorist acts that took place on September 11, 2001 in…

  • Policy Considerations Post-9.11

    The Post-9/11 policy shifts are obviously reactive because all the proposed by the government changes are caused by the attack. Even the creation of the Department of Homeland Security is a response to the dangerous terroristic attack (Post-9/11,2019). In order to avoid or prevent such disastrous terroristic attacks, the government should propose proactive policies. However,…

  • Tradegy September 11, 2001: Personal Experience

    IT was September 11, 2001, a black Tuesday which was later named as the devil’s day of the history by our school. I was the student of St. Thomas Middle School, Alabama. As usual, I reached at the school in time in the early morning. I, being a student of the 7th grade, was busy…

  • Controlling Irrational Fears After 9-11

    Fear is a natural response to life threatening situations and is a built-in behavioral pattern in all human beings. The author of the essay Controlling Irrational Fears After 9/11 extensively quotes Chapman and Harris’s article A Skeptical Look at September 11th to construe that the fears generated in America after the 9/11 attacks are largely…

  • The Events of 9/11 from a Sociological Standpoint

    September 11 aroused not only national grief, pride, and rage, but also a prevalent feeling of frustration at the way things were since the fall of communism. In the Cold War era, the United States had operated via a containment policy in an attempt to prevent the propagation of communism, especially in Western Europe and…

  • “Come September”: A Perspective on September 11 Made by Arundhati Roy

    The speech “Come September” by Arundhati Roy touches on the various negative events that took place on September 11th in the US, Latin America, India, and the Middle East. At the beginning of the speech, he talks about the Twin Tower attack that took place one year prior to Roy’s speech. While emphasizing the impact…