Category: September 11

  • Looming the Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

    The Boy Spies Mubarak was the president of Egypt when the events introduced in the chapter took place. Zawahiri who has been also referred to as the ‘brains of Al Qaeda’ had a plan to kill Mubarak together with the Egyptian radicals during his visit to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), to the Organization of the African…

  • 9/11 Attacks as a Turning Point of Contemporary History

    Table of Contents Background of the Event The Organizers Timeline of the Event The World Trade Center The Pentagon and the Fourth Plane The aftermath of the Event Summary and Conclusion References Contemporary history develops at a rapid pace, as globalization has the entire planet deeply interconnected. Political and economic processes, which happen in one…

  • Individuals Targeted in 9-11 Hate Crimes and Racial Profiling

    Terrorism remains a major challenge affecting different regions across the world today. Any form of attack is capable of claiming many lives and destroying existing critical infrastructures. The terrorist acts of 9/11 remain a historical moment that many Americans relate to and use when describing this vice against humanity. After this attack, a new wave…

  • Legislation After the 9/11 Terrorist Attack in New York

    Paragraph 5 The USA Patriot Act was one of the key pieces of legislation signed into effect following the 9/11 terror attack in New York City. The USA Patriot Act was signed on 26th October 2001 and focused on the enhancement of law enforcement powers and intelligence gathering procedures (Falk & Morgenstern, 2009). First of…

  • Important Federal Policy Changes in Response to September 11

    Table of Contents Intelligence Gathering Information Sharing Conclusion References As soon as the two planes collided with the twin towers of the World Trade Center the question that was foremost in the minds of the spectators and the millions of people around the world is this: who can be responsible for such an appalling act?…

  • United States Economy Following September 11th

    Introduction The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 on the World Trade Centers in New York destroyed lives and property, increased government spending at a time when the country could ill afford the excessive expenditures, and squelched corporate and consumer confidence which further slowed the economy and hindered the recovery efforts. On that day and for…

  • Crimes in America: The 9/11/01 Terrorist Attacks

    Table of Contents The 9/11/01 terrorist attacks The impacts The media involvement The police involvement Advice to others Works Cited Crime has affected people in different ways. Neither I nor my parents and relatives have been victims of crime. Consequently, I have not been impacted by crime in any manner. The 9/11/01 terrorist attacks The…

  • Events of 9/11 and an Era of New Terrorism

    Table of Contents Introduction The Events of 9/11 and New Terrorism Conclusion References Introduction The appropriate definition for the term “terrorism” has proven to be a daunting task for sociology scholars. Primarily, the ideas and motives of terrorists complicate the ideals that believers of this concept hold. Although the individual or political freedom of a…

  • Did America Over Reacted to the 9/11 Attacks?

    Table of Contents Introduction Factors that contributed to 9/11 Attacks Why Americans overreacted to 9/11 attacks Expanding police surveillance Major Federal Surveillance Statutes The impact of 9/11 attacks on the Public health System The responses of Muslims Reference Introduction September 11, 2001, was the day when terrorists changed American’s history. The terrorists potentially delivered merciless…

  • The 9/11 Attack Justification and Its Plausibility

    The events that occurred on September 11, 2001, will always remain a national tragedy for the American nation. The terrorist attack that took the lives of nearly 3,000 people is an example of an unquestionable crime that has affected the American population in a tremendous way (Mash, Fullerton, Benevides, & Ursano, 2018). However, there is…