Category: Sciences 2502

  • Analysis of Sense of Smell Aspects

    The sense of smell in humans, and in primates in general, is relatively poorly developed. Nevertheless, it’s role should not be underestimated. It is extremely important for a person, since one of the functions of the sense of smell is to prevent dangers that are invisible to other senses (sight or hearing). With the help…

  • Solution of Every-Day Problems: Scientific Method

    People use the scientific method to address the problems affecting them. The scientific method is effective because it reduces bias and prejudice. Individuals can use the scientific method to solve their every-day problems (Trefil, 2012). This discussion highlights two scenarios that describe the use of the scientific method. The Mysterious Rash Targeted Problem and Observations…

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Evaluation

    Abstract The evaluation design is selected depending on the type of research question, set hypotheses, and on expected evaluative outcomes. Measurements used to gather data become determined by the chosen evaluation design. Referring to the research question, the procedures of the evaluation design, the possible access to data, and the available time, it is important…

  • Seafloor Investigation: Characteristics and Analysis

    Nowadays, humanity seeks to understand and discover the majority of the processes that occur in our Universe. People create new technologies and cognition tools to investigate far places and objects, understand their nature and peculiarities of the evolution. We manage to reach space, and there are numerous programs aimed at its investigation. Moreover, NASA and…

  • Definition of Peer-Reviewed Articles and the Process of Their Creation

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Peer-reviewed journal articles are considered to be the most credible resources in different scientific topics or subjects. The information provided in such sources is always based on appropriate researches. The following paper is intended to discuss and explain what peer-reviewed articles are and how they are created.…

  • Epigenetics in Nova ScienceNow’s Documentary

    Table of Contents Introduction Reaction to the Video Reaction based on Family History and the Article Reaction Based on the Living to 100 Questionnaires Possibility to Improve My Health and Longevity References Introduction Human genes are widely discussed nowadays, as scientists are willing to understand how they are connected with people’s health conditions. Epigenetics is…

  • Defective Flash Drives: Correlation and Regression Analysis

    Methodology The data of the number of defective flash drives manufactured by a small manufacturing company was obtained by counting them weekly for 30 weeks and then recorded against each week as presented in the Excel file. The Analysis Toolpak of MS Excel in performing correlation and regression analyses. According to Black (2009), correlation and…

  • Hypothesis on the Dangers of Wearing Masks

    Table of Contents Introduction Variables Operational definitions Procedure Ethics Conclusions Introduction People have been wearing masks as a precautionary measure against COVID-19 in all public places around the world since 2020. It also applies to schools, colleges, and universities, which impacts students’ perceptions of their peers. One’s hypothesis is that masks negatively affect students’ communication…

  • The Earth Planet’s Structure and Layers

    The structure of our planet, Earth, includes seven primary layers. The inner core is a solid one, which is made mainly of iron and nickel. Its radius is 1220 kilometers, and it is boiling. However, the Earth’s outer core is recognized as a liquid layer. Still, its components are the same as the inner core,…

  • Applied Numeracy for Higher Education

    Numeracy is an individual ability that is applied to basic numerical concepts. The fundamental numeracy skills include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing (Steen 2001). Numeracy is a practice that involves numerical and graphical information (McIntosh 2004). Data collection commands keenness because inaccurate data collection may lead to invalid results (Purcell, Elias, Davies & Wilton 2005).…