Category: Sciences 2502

  • Aspects of Muscles of Respiration

    Breathing is one of the essential processes of the body that sustains life along with the cardiovascular and neural activities. More specifically, it is responsible for the intake and absorption of the oxygen, which, in turn, is supplied into the rest of the organs through blood. When it comes to the respiratory system of the…

  • Characteristics of the Phototrophs and Chemotrophs Organisms

    Phototrophs Organisms are usually classified based on their nutritional need, and according to this criterion, there are two distinct groups, the phototrophs and the chemotrophs. Phototrophs rely on energy from the sun to manufacture their food in the form of ATP (Parker et al., 2017). The sunlight oxidizes organic molecules to produce energy, which is…

  • Roots, Radicals, and Quadratic Equations

    In mathematics, numbers can be represented in whole, integer, fractional, and decimal forms. Depending on the form, the mechanics of arithmetic operations to add, subtract, multiply, and divide them change. For example, regular recalculation adds and subtracts whole numbers, as shown in equations 1 and 2. Integer numbers are added and subtracted by considering the…

  • Chemical Sense of Smell (Olfaction) and Taste

    The olfactory system contains four major components that form the olfactory path. The first component, the olfactory receptor, also called the smell receptor, consists of millions of cluster receptor cells called the olfactory epithelium situated at the back of the nasal cavity. The olfactory sensory neurons provide a connection of information from the olfactory epithelium…

  • The Statistical Test of Defective Goods Production

    Introduction Analyzing the rates of defective goods production in a company is an essential step towards improving the company’s quality standards. The firm in question has been delivering rather unsatisfactory results; however, the manager claimed that the staff does not produce more than seven defective items per week. The application of a two-sided t-test will…

  • Two-Factor Data Analysis: Definition and Examples

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Reference List Introduction The process of setting an experiment implies that every single factor affecting the dependent variable should be identified and that the crucial one should be selected carefully. In a range of scenarios, the key variable is going to be affected by not one, but two or…

  • Scientific vs. Unconsciously Acquired Knowledge

    Although the question above seems to be philosophical or rhetorical, I will try to explain and argue my opposite viewpoint from different perspectives. The process of learning particular information from reading or analyzing appropriate materials is a scientific method. According to this data, it would be proper to claim that the difference between scientific knowledge…

  • Genes and Its Influence on Personality

    Extensive research exists on the topic of genetic makeup and its influence on personality. For example, a study conducted in 2004 found that such character traits as agreeableness and conscientiousness showed a complex genetic architecture, whereas the common pathway model could be used for the explanation of neuroticism and extraversion (Lewis & Bates, 2014). However,…

  • Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements

    The Ring of Fire area is a dangerous territory that significantly impacts the tectonic activities of the whole Earth. From the scientific perspective, many plates have irregular positions and are at risk of collision. The plates subduction not only causes massive earthquakes but also provokes global climate change and dangerous tectonic shifts. Scientists are responsible…

  • Neurotransmitters and Mechanisms for Their Removal

    A neuron is at rest when not sending signals. The resting membrane potential of a neuron is approximately -70millivolt. This indicates that the inside of the neuron is approximately 70millivolt less than the outside. When the neuron is at rest, there is more sodium outside the neuron and more ions of potassium inside the neuron.…