Category: Samsung

  • Technological Failures of Samsung Galaxy 7

    The topic of this research paper is technological failures using the example of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. This topic is significant because the commercial production of technology is not always successful, and some errors can lead to consequences, such as the one that Samsung faced. Learning about these errors is important to avoid making…

  • Samsung M620 Mobile Phone Evaluation

    This evaluation attempts to describe Samsung M620, my current phone model. Effective communication is the main reason behind the introduction of cell phones. The improvements in technology have seen the introduction of cell phones that are multipurpose. The introduction of internet-enabled phones saved us a great deal since one can perform many tasks using the…

  • Bribery Charges Against Samsung Company

    Table of Contents Facts Professional Codes of Conduct Personal Ethical Philosophy Analysis Resolution and Conclusion References Ethical issues in business create many problems that can extend negative effects on its reputation, productivity, and profitability. Companies are forced to bear responsibilities when their leaders or employees engage in unethical practices. They offer a reflection of the…

  • The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Product’s Risk Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Samsung’s Risk Attitudes Risk Appetite Risk Identification Risk Consequences Risk Impact Conclusion Reference List Introduction Many organizations have set out policies and procedures to protect and safeguard themselves against risks. How a business adopts and handles threats is influential to business success. The way a company handles risk-related issues is essential…

  • Samsung Electronic’s Global Strategy Plan

    Introduction Samsung is a large business conglomerate that operates in different sectors, such as finance, advanced technology, and plant construction. This paper will focus on Samsung Electronics (SE), which is a flagship company of the chaebol. The South Korean multinational enterprise is well-known for its rivalry with Apple in the electronics industry. According to Schlegelmilch…

  • Exploding Samsung Phones Apology

    I am a public relations manager and a representative of Samsung. It is necessary to talk about a recent issue regarding our new line of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. The aforementioned model are the latest in our Samsung Galaxy line, and the biggest technological leap we have made presently. Issue Awareness, Apology, and Countermeasures…

  • Samsung Mobile in the UK Analysis

    Executive Summary In the modern world of communication & technology, we cannot think of a day without a mobile phone. It becomes part and parcel of our daily life. Samsung is the most dependable and attractive in the mobile phone market in the United Kingdom. Samsung phone’s features, style, and user-friendly software make it popular…

  • Strategic Managemnt Report on Samsung Mobile Company

    Executive Summary and Introduction Summary The business segment, Samsung Mobile, of Samsung Electronics has been contributing effectively towards the success of the entire group. Its commendable performance in the past few years is due to its effective strategic management policies. These strategic plans are devised on a global level, and have been instrumental in making…

  • The Samsung Company’s Financial Information

    Out of the three companies presented, I would assume Samsung to be the largest, given the international scale of its operations and current ever-growing demand for mobile devices. Samsung is a South Korean corporation which has since then adapted its way of operations to global network of the modern day (Haizar et al., 2020). Several…

  • Samsung Electronics Company Sustainability Assessment

    Table of Contents Introduction Sustainability Approach: Supporting Samsung’s Future Growth Stakeholder Engagement Materiality Matrix Concluding Remarks List of References Introduction Samsung Electronics ‘has grown within the past four decades to become a leading provider of quality information and technology services’ (Samsung Electronics: Sustainability Report 2014, para. 1). The company has over 200 business subsidiaries across…