Category: Revolution

  • The Haitian Revolution and Slavery

    The history of slavery is filled with tragedy, sadness, and grievance. Independently on the place of its occurrence, slavery always brought the same consequences. While the enslaved nation craved liberty and justice, their slavers put a great effort into maintaining the usual order. The history of the Haitian revolution is not an exception to this…

  • The Chinese and Russian Revolutions

    Russia and China have undergone significant amendments during the 19th and 20th centuries caused by political riots. Both states have experienced a series of revolts, leading to major changes in the ruling system and the deaths of multiple civilians fighting for their rights. Although the seizure of power and the establishment of totalitarianism are the…

  • Aspects of America’s Religious Revolution

    Table of Contents Introduction America’s Religious Composition The Real Winners and Losers Impact on American Religious Traditions Video Lecture Summary Conclusion Works Cited Introduction America’s religions match the racial and behavioral diversity of the people who live therein. The land’s variety is primarily driven by the immigrants who vacated from different parts of the world,…

  • The Dominican Republic Revolution

    Introduction The Dominican revolution started long before the events of 1965. 1956 was the epitome of the resistance when farmers and workers poured into the streets, demanding an e aboutnd to foreign interference in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic went through phases of foreign occupation by the French, Spanish, and the American. Communist and…

  • Ideological Camps in the Mexican Revolution

    Revolutions always bring violent fights and deaths, but sometimes they are the only choice for the struggling populations to fight for one’s rights and freedom. The Mexican Revolution was a significant overthrow of social order that consisted of armed struggles from 1910 to 1920. It had a long-lasting effect on the Mexican government and culture.…

  • The Scientific Revolution of Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes

    Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo made significant contributions to human understanding of the universe. They revolutionized the scientific field of their time by their findings which were primarily concerned with the movement of the sun, planets, and other heavenly bodies. Namely, the common point in their ideas is that the Earth orbits the Sun, which…

  • Texas Revolution of 1835-36 Causes and Texas Secession of 1861

    To say that the history of Texas in the middle decades of the 19th century was a turbulent one is to say nothing. In fewer than thirty years, Texas won a war of independence against Mexico, was admitted into Union as a state, and then seceded from the Union to join the Confederacy. As such,…

  • Haitian Revolution as a Completely Independent Event

    The Haitian Revolution was a conflict between the French colonists and the formerly enslaved people who experienced harsh conditions as they worked in the different plantations across the land. Historians state that the uprising was experienced from 1791 to 1804 and involved a series of attacks that involved the enslaved Haitians, colonists, and British and…

  • Comparison Between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

    Authors use animal characters to bring out themes that affect people in their daily life. The exploit of familiar objects or animals helps readers to understand the ideas that a writer wishes to put across. One of the authors that have used animals is George Orwell, in his novel titled Animal Farm. The book features…

  • The Market Revolution Analysis

    The industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, refers to the change from manufacturing and use of hand tools to using machinery, lasted from 1760 to 1840. The main causes of the industrial revolution included the mining of new resources, the agricultural revolution, government policies, and the scientific revolt. The industrial revolution resulted in…