Category: Respiratory Disorders

  • Benefits and Disadvantages of Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress: Article Critique

    Table of Contents Introduction Authors’ Initial Objectives Evaluation of the Research Methods and Approach Type of Research Used The practicability of the Work Improving the Study Conclusion Reference List Introduction The selected article describes the major challenges and issues encountered by nurses while providing adequate care to patients with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).…

  • Database Elements for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients

    Adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) require the inclusion of particular elements into a database. It is assumed that certain key data that are not connected to ARDS are already incorporated into relevant database tables. For instance, it is routine to consider gender and age, as well as socioeconomic and marriage statuses (Misulis…

  • Discussion of Respiratory Acidosis

    Acids are substances that can give off hydrogen ions, and bases are substances that can accept these ions. The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the optimal functioning of enzymes. Acids…

  • Respiratory Failure: Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

    Table of Contents Hypoxaemia Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Reference List Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) occurs when the lungs have trouble loading blood with oxygen or removing carbon dioxide from it. Similarly, It is also defined as the inability of the body’s pulmonary system to meet its metabolic needs in blood oxygenation and co₂…

  • Acute Respiratory Failure: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management

    Table of Contents Introduction Pathophysiology of Acute Respiratory Failure Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Failure Medical Management for Acute Respiratory Failure Plan of Care for Acute Respiratory Failure Conclusion References Introduction The human body is a system that depends on the coordination of all organs regarding the distribution of necessary elements throughout the structure. Oxygen is…

  • Discussion: Respiratory Assessment

    Summary Breathing is one of the main physical processes without which the body’s functioning is impossible. Without sufficient access to oxygen, the human body cannot efficiently operate since the work of many organ systems is disrupted (Rolfe, 2019). Therefore, in the presence of even minor breathing problems, a complete respiratory analysis is necessary, which will…

  • Respiratory Compromise and Pneumothorax

    Table of Contents Introduction Clinical presentation of pneumothorax and flail chest Critical analysis of current treatment modalities Conclusion References: Introduction Respiratory compromise due to pneumothorax could occur due to various causes. Two types of pneumothorax were described: spontaneous and traumatic (Porter, 2008). The former was characteristic of young men who were otherwise healthy. Six times…