Category: Respiratory Disorders

  • Examination of the Circulatory and the Respiratory Systems

    The Circulatory System Blood Blood is one of the most researched liquids of the body that circulates through the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries (that will be explained further in the text), performing various functions. Despite being 78% water, this red color pigmented substance contains four distinct components, which are plasma, red blood cells, white…

  • Researching of Respiratory Distress

    Pathophysiology Pneumonia is the consequence of pathogen development and the host’s reaction from a pathophysiological perspective. It should be emphasized that bacterial reproduction does not always result in the development of pneumonia. The respiratory components of the lungs are the source of the development of an inflammatory response (Vardhmaan et al., 2022). It can be…

  • The Function of Respiratory System

    Introduction The respiratory system is accountable for providing oxygen to the body since energy is required for life on day to day basis. Oxygen is required to obtain energy from the food that is consumed. We breathe in air that is rich in oxygen (Miller et al, 2005). Oxygen is needed to burn down the…

  • Respiratory Issue Complicated by Economic Disadvantage

    Diagnosis and Pathophysiology The diagnosis is asthma. The main etiologic factor is a genetic predisposition to type 1 hypersensitivity. This results in acute inflammation which eventually leads to chronic inflammation of the airways and hyper responsiveness of the bronchial mucosa to various stimuli (Mims, 2015). Airway inflammation involves various inflammatory cells and inflammatory mediators, but…

  • Researching of Acute Respiratory Failure

    Introduction Acute respiratory failure (ARF) occurs when the respiratory system can neither maintain appropriate oxygen levels nor adequately remove carbon dioxide. This condition might affect both healthy patients or those afflicted by chronic pulmonary diseases. In most cases, people with acute respiratory failure require immediate help and additional oxygen. The current paper examines the pathophysiology…

  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Table of Contents Introduction Causes Risk factors Pathophysiology of ARDS Diagnostic Tools Used in the Diagnosis and Management of ARDS Reference List Introduction The acute injury of the lung is referred to as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In this condition, the amount of oxygen diffusing from the air sacs to the bloodstream is usually…

  • Respiratory Clinical Case, Assessment and Care Plan

    Patient Initials G. M. D. Subjective Data The patient is a 65-year-old female of Caucasian origin who was discharged from the hospital almost three months ago after she had been injured in a car crash. The patient complains of frequent cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. She also claims that it is even difficult for…

  • Spirometry Test for Respiratory System

    Respiration is one of the vital physiological processes required for a normal homeostasis. It is also a complicated process where various mechanisms are interconnected to ensure a smooth air flow through the relevant pathways (Guyton and Hall, 2006). A defect in the respiratory system could lead to various complications which may be due to obstructions…

  • Respiratory Complications Reduction: Barriers

    Proposed Change Preventing Respiratory Complications in Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center Non-Human Barriers to Change Implementation The process of change implementation implies overcoming numerous obstacles and barriers. Practice shows that it is human-related difficulties that are particularly problematic to manage (Rosenberg & Mosca, 2011). In the meantime,…

  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Case Study

    The definition of ARDS It is a deadly respiratory disorder, which occurs due to rapid failure of lungs. The associated clinical indicators The associated clinical indicators are low blood pressure, increased heartbeat, low arterial oxygen tension, low arterial carbon dioxide tension, high bicarbonate concentration, alkaline condition of pH above 7.4, and low arterial oxygen saturation.…