Category: Respiratory Disorders

  • Air Flow in the Respiratory System

    Table of Contents Introduction Definitions and Anatomy The Laws and Application Conclusion References Introduction Analyzing the surrounded environment it can be concluded that the law of physics are the same for both non-organic and organic world, where in living organisms these laws are under the control of biological processes. Humans as the highest forms of…

  • Structures of the Respiratory System

    The respiratory system comprises various structures and respiratory centers that facilitate effective respiration. Three of these structures are the nose, pharynx and larynx. The nose constitutes a visible external nose and an internal nasal cavity. The nose performs several crucial functions that condition the air before it enters the pharynx. Air from outside constitutes various…

  • “The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once” by Zhang

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Article Ethos Logos Pathos Conclusion Reference Introduction Imagine hospitals run out of vaccines, and there are no other alternatives for combatting the threat of coronavirus infection in the long run. In this case, the situation of humanity is going to be even more tragic, which means that it…

  • Analysis of the Respiratory System

    The respiratory system is a set of organs that provide external respiration in the body and several critical non-respiratory functions. Systema respiratorium serves to deliver inhaled air through the lungs oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. In addition to the lungs, namely: the nasal cavity and pharynx, then the larynx, trachea, and bronchi…

  • Respiratory Complications Reduction: Stakeholders

    The paper identifies stakeholders related to the change in preventing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures under conscious sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurses at ICU Place in Organizational Hierarchy Registered nurses in ICU are at the middle level of the nursing hierarchy. They usually report to a nurse manager or…

  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children

    Table of Contents Introduction Respiratory Syncytial Virus Conclusion References Introduction Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an infection that causes lung inflammation and pneumonia. The virus causes lung airwaves in infants, affecting infants with weak immune systems. The disease affects the lungs and causes breathing problems, and the effects can range from mild to life-threatening illnesses.…

  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Detailed Overview

    The pathophysiology of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) involves a systemic immune response that triggers the release of inflammatory mediators called cytokines. This causes the pulmonary vasculature to become more permeable, and fluid infiltrates the lungs. This presents a ventilation-perfusion mismatch that causes blood to bypass the alveoli without gaseous exchange, leading to hypoxemia (Schreiber,…

  • Respiratory Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome

    The client in this case seems to suffer from Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), which is defined by WHO as suffering from some symptoms that can be related to exposure to building variables without other known etiology. Many factors can refer to this condition in this case. She is working in an old building that is…

  • The Importance of Respiratory Therapist

    Health is the main consideration of people in different age and of different welfare. To be healthy means to be successful, powerful and happy. There is a tendency in modern world to the allied health professions. This is a relatively new profession (referencing to the fact that medicine exists for many centuries), which is separated…

  • Respiratory Complications Reduction: Storytelling

    Introduction Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that can be applied to ensure an effective change promotion. According to Gill (2011), storytelling has persuasive, motivating, and inspiring effects on employees as it allows them to understand the reason for change through an experience-based narrative that tends to be more compelling than traditional strategic plans. The…