Category: Religion 1596

  • “Introduction to World Religion” and “How to Study Religion”

    Table of Contents Introduction Defining Religion Religion’s Eight Characteristics Myth and Reality Conclusion Reference Introduction Religions have always been shaped by their surroundings, but there is a specific way in which they have been shaped. The kind of human problems that religion addresses are problems that arise in part from local situations. Many people who…

  • Analysis of Divine Command Theory

    The Divine Command Theory (DCT) posits that a thing is good because God orders it to be done or wicked because God prohibits it from being done. Thus, to declare that loving our neighbors is good is linguistically equal to arguing that God compels us to love our neighbors. Similarly, it is wrong to kill…

  • Catheism: Cat-God and Cats as Sacred Animals

    It is known that cats helped rid the island of Cyprus of a huge number of poisonous snakes. And they did it not with the help of magical power but thanks to their hunting skills and instincts. Cats help restore female energy and transmit grace, seductiveness, and sexuality to their mistresses. These animals, like ladies,…

  • Job: The Example of Religious Fortitude

    As it is known, both Testaments, the fundamental Jewish and Christian ancient sacred texts that constitute the Bible, are a collection of recorded folk myths and historical processes of the West Bank, Eastern Mediterranean, and Mesopotamia. Moreover, these are also principal religious treatises of Hebrew and Christian philosophy where theories, justifications, and concepts are presented…

  • Then Again WebChron: Zarathustra Assumptions

    Many philosophers and religious leaders ponder on human nature, free will, and the capacity of humans to make choices that can be viewed as morally right or morally wrong. Zarathustra, an Iranian prophet and prominent religious figure, was among those who argued that humans are capable of choosing between good and evil. Specifically, the prophet…

  • The Problem of Evil and Its Examples

    The problem of evil has value for discussion, so it can help identify humanity’s main problems and how they can be corrected. For this work, two examples of evil were chosen, one purely natural and the other as the result of the actions of people. Furthermore, a purely natural evil can be considered something that…

  • Modern Missionary Work and Religion Decline

    About 100 years ago, and even at the beginning of the 21st century, religion spread much faster than in recent years. The period from 1981 to 2007 was analyzed for the spread of religious trends and missionary activity in 49 countries (Inglehart, 2020). As a result, it was found that most high-income countries have become…

  • The Trent Council: A “Counter-Reformation” Force

    The Trent Council was the Catholic Roman Church’s formal response to the protestant theology of Reformation’s problems. From 1545 to 1563, it was divided into three significant meeting periods (Noll, 2022, p.209). It symbolizes the beginning of modern Catholicism’s turning point. The meeting was seen as an opportunity to end theologically contentious moral and religious…

  • Salvation and Its Justification Issues

    Numerous concepts serve as the cornerstone of Christianity. Nevertheless, the doctrine of salvation is generally believed to be one of the most sophisticated phenomena that have been instrumental in the rapid spread of the faith. Moreover, numerous heated debates concerning the nature and the most precise meaning of the term have primarily defined the history…

  • Discipleship Study Meetings and Leader Points

    Discipleship study meetings consist of people who get together to discuss God’s word and get spiritual nourishment. A study meeting typically involves two or more people. As a discipleship leader, one needs to learn how these study meetings can be effectively facilitated. It is also crucial for a study meeting leader to help come up…