Category: Reconstruction

  • Social Reconstruction Essay

    “Curriculum Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns” by Michael Schiro (2013) introduced me to the four main curriculum ideologies or theories. It allowed me to compare and contrast the different elements and carefully and analytically examine my current philosophy. I’ll be discussing all four ideologies: scholar-academic, social efficiency, learner-centered, and social reconstruction and how they…

  • New Political Teams of the Reconstruction Period

    During the Reconstruction period of time of the war, there have been 2 new political teams setting out to type. The novel Republican Party gained a number of its greatest members, 2 teams of individuals from opposite sides of the country. The carpetbaggers and scalawags joined forces to reconstruct the South, however they were met…

  • Reconstruction and Women’s Rights Movement

    The woman’s rights movement paved the way for the future of woman’s roles today and how they are able to contribute in today’s society. I believe it is one of the most monumental events in history and their hard work towards achieving greatness goes unnoticed. The women’s rights movement advocated to achieve full civil rights…