Category: Public Administration

  • New York’s Public Administration Agenda

    The city selected for this assignment is the city of New York. The city comprises five boroughs that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. They include Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island (The five boroughs of New York City, 2021). Its geographical position has attracted…

  • Public Administration: Planning and Economics

    Gentrification Policy Issues Gentrification is a process which has started 60 years ago, however, its real extent and influence it obtains only nowadays. The main idea of this process is to rebuild or renew some districts of a city which were at a low ebb. Rebuilding and reconstructing old buildings would lead to the growth…

  • Public Administration Studies and Its Role in the US

    Citing the text, discuss the rationale behind creating a separate discipline of public administration and the creation of graduate schools of public policy For years, public administration has been considered a sub-field in the political science discipline. However, scholars observe that it should be made a disciple because of various reasons. Cropf (2008) is one…

  • Public Policy and Its Administration Decision-Making

    Political and Cultural Environment of Public Policy and Its Administration Decision-Making The Cherry County Human Services Department (CCHS) is a state agency of social intervention services providers involved in children’s protection, foster care, and delinquency. The CCHS employees experience continuous overload with highly stressful cases, strict court presentation requirements, and administrative paperwork; thus, staff turnover…

  • Machine Learning for Public Administration

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Definition and Literature Review Research Questions and Hypotheses Conceptual Model and Connection to Theory Key Variables and Research and Survey Design Data Collection, Analysis, and Interpretation Conclusion Reference Introduction Research is an ongoing process, and scholars follow distinct patterns to solve their defined problems and contribute to the existing body…

  • Economics and Technology in Public Administration

    How economic concepts are used by planners for policy analysis Policy analysis is a crucial aspect of public administration, and each person should understand a variety of economic, technological, strategic planning, and other issues, use them to analyze such problems as mass shootings and return on investment in human capital theory. This memo consists of…

  • Public Administration: United Operations Association

    Facts The United Operations Association (UOA) is a non-profit organization funded via contracts and membership dues received from the parent organization, The American United Operations Association (AUOA). The parent organization receives allocated funds from the United States government. It appropriates them through national agencies of the federal government, namely the United States Department of Agriculture…

  • Public Administration: Ideal Governance

    Relevance of bureaucracy as a description and a model for the current public services Public officials who lack a requisite flexibility stand a chance to construct bureaucratic models and systems of governance following rigid routines in the execution of their duties. Worse still, bureaucratic systems of governance hinder the ability of the public office incumbents…

  • Big Data for Public Administration and Government

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Public Administrators, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics Personal Data Privacy and Security Algorithms Conclusion Works Cited Abstract In this research paper, the idea of big data and personal privacy are discussed through the prism of the work of the public sector and the government. In many countries, artificial intelligence systems…

  • Strong Central Government: Public Administration

    Introduction A strong central government is a political system whereby, all the laws that are supposed to govern a country are made by the central government. Some people argue that it is the most appropriate system of governance because it does away with the variations that would affect the approach towards the delivery of services…