Category: Public Administration

  • Organizational Socialization in Public Administration

    The article to be analyzed in this paper is “Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research” by Moyson et al. The authors present a systematic qualitative review of the articles related to the topic of organizational socialization, comparing the findings to determine the extent of its effects. It…

  • Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition and Practice Performance and Outcomes Theoretical Approach Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization,…

  • Cybercrimes: The Effect on Public Administration

    Abstract In today’s period of online processing, most of the information and data is online and thus susceptible to cyber threats. Researchers and crime scholars argue that conflicts and wars between countries will occur in cyberspace as opposed to physical spaces in the future. The first documented cybercrime occurred in the early-19th century. Current computers…

  • Managing Diversity in Public Administration and Policy

    Diversity becomes an integral part of everyday life as individuals are exposed to communication with various groups daily. Understanding the process is especially crucial for a Public Administration role. Having a clear definition of the diversity and ability to see more global influence it has on society helps to build effective communication that contributes to…

  • Two Scholarly Articles in Public Administration

    The title of the paper is “Social Equity as a Public Administration Issue”; thus, the two articles that have been identified both touch upon the topic of equality and administration. The first article is titled “Social Equity and Evidence: Insights from Local Government.”, and it was written by S. T. Gooden (2017) and published in…

  • Judicial Process of Public Administration: Baker vs. Canada

    Table of Contents Introduction Discretion and how Courts Can Assess Discretion Credibility and how Courts can Assess Credibility Bias and how it is Determined Extent of Duty to Give Reasons Conclusion Works Cited Introduction By and large, administrative laws are an important characteristic of any country that claims to be democratic. Procedural fairness refers to…

  • Public Administration and Fiscal Policy

    In regards to public administration: What are the various types of taxes used by governments? Who are the actors that make funding decisions? How are they accountable to the public? How does the public influence this process? Why is taxing and spending so controversial? Any government relies on taxes to operate, as well as to…

  • Public Administration: Planning and Economics

    Gentrification Policy Issues Gentrification is a process which has started 60 years ago, however, its real extent and influence it obtains only nowadays. The main idea of this process is to rebuild or renew some districts of a city which were at a low ebb. Rebuilding and reconstructing old buildings would lead to the growth…

  • Public Administration Studies and Its Role in the US

    Citing the text, discuss the rationale behind creating a separate discipline of public administration and the creation of graduate schools of public policy For years, public administration has been considered a sub-field in the political science discipline. However, scholars observe that it should be made a disciple because of various reasons. Cropf (2008) is one…

  • Economics and Technology in Public Administration

    How economic concepts are used by planners for policy analysis Policy analysis is a crucial aspect of public administration, and each person should understand a variety of economic, technological, strategic planning, and other issues, use them to analyze such problems as mass shootings and return on investment in human capital theory. This memo consists of…