Category: Pressure

  • Group Pressure In The Article Salvation

    Can group pressure only be bad or can group pressure also be good? In the article “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, Hughes uses a personal experience with group pressure which can be looked as bad. Author Langston Hughes wrote an article about how he conformed to group pressure at church and the after effects of conforming…

  • Are Young People Under To Much Pressure?

    She changed herself not because she wants to, she changes herself because of how society would want her to be like. Every time she stares in the mirror it’s a different person, the old Jane is far gone. Her old self has vanished, now she just looks like a copy of what a “normal” person…

  • Workplace Procrastination And Its Relation To Time Pressure

    Procrastination is considered a business killer that had gone unnoticed until recently. Procrastination is defined as the deliberate act to postpone needlessly the necessary work that one aims to achieve regardless of expectedly negative consequences (Steel, 2007). Procrastination can take various forms from cleaning desks to using the Internet for non-related work. These seemingly harmless…

  • The Role Of Societal Pressure In The Crucible

    In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, there are many “moments” where the author uses literary devices to convey how a few characters rebel against and conform to authority figures and peers and the values and expectations of Puritan society as a whole. Ultimately, Arthur Miller is saying that societal pressure can make you believe very…

  • Societal Pressure: Impact, Causes, Types And Effects [Essay]

    Social pressures are now greater on young adults today than in the past. Nowadays, most of the young adults are experiencing the feeling of stress brought by the social. Social pressure has a big impact on young adults from late teens or early twenties to thirties. In this era of information and technology, social pressure…