Category: President

  • Opposition to the Soviet Union in President Truman’s Foreign Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction America’s Image on the World Stage after World War II Containment Policy Korean War Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) were two superpowers with significantly different views that arose after World War II (WWII). The USA and the USSR were allies during…

  • Positive Effects of the War of 1812 for the USA. The Role of President Jackson in the History

    America attacked Great Britain in 1882 Instead of France because of a number of reasons. First of all it is important to note that Great Britain had been at War with France for a long time even before tensions began to be felt. Americas decision to attack Britain was strategic in the sense that both…

  • The Presidency of Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States

    Assessing the legacy of a particular president, a specific approach is needed. For that matter, a presidency should be examined after a certain time has been passed, in order to neutrally evaluate the actions and the consequences, not for the four-year period, but for the history as a whole. In that sense, Jimmy Carter- the…

  • Andrew Jackson, the President of the US

    The great president of America, Andrew Jackson was born in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas in 1767. He was the 7th president of America. Though he had an irregular education, he won great acclaim and popularity as a lawyer with his habit of reading books in his late teens. From the very young age…

  • The Future of President Assad’s Regime and Syria

    Introduction In March 2018, the Syrian conflict entered its eighth year since it broke out in 2011 following protests against the continued rule of the Assad family, which has been in power for over four decades. This paper discusses the future of President Assad’s regime and Syria. This topic is important because the Syrian conflict…

  • Ronald Reagan – President of the United States of America

    Table of Contents Introduction Brief Background Information Reagan as President Famous Quotes by President Ronald Reagan Works Cited Introduction Ronald Reagan, who is regarded as the greatest communicator of all time, was the 40th president of the United States of America. An American president has a big significance in the world. It is widely known…

  • The Rights of the President of the United States of America

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works cited Introduction The United States of America’s constitution has granted the president a range of diverse powers. These powers of the president in the United States of America are contained in the executive part of the constitution; in which the president is expected to exercise these powers in…

  • Ronald Reagan: USA President

    Table of Contents Introduction Early Life Youth and college Radio, film and television career and military service Marriage life and politics Social Cultural and Economical contribution Conclusion Reference List Introduction Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, followed a unique path to his life in the White House. From a radio sports announcer…

  • Congress and the President: Contemporary Activities and Contradictions

    Among the fundamental principles of the American state, researchers invariably call the separation of powers. This provision, as well as the principle of checks and balances supplementing it, has been the main concern of internal relations in the American state throughout its history. In this context, one of the core issues of American constitutionalism is…

  • How the Electoral College Selects the President

    The US citizens elect their president after every four years on the first Tuesday of November. Unlike other elections, whereby people choose their preferred aspirants directly by popular voting, the voters select the president through their electors in the Electoral College. McKinney (2020) asserts that “these electors are appointed by their respective parties, and cast…