Category: Politics & Government 2182

  • Decision Making in Human and Social Services

    The presented case explores how a human service professional finds himself in a precarious situation. According to the case, the professional realizes that the targeted community engages in specific rituals such as smoking marijuana. This kind of ritual is a critical attribute of their meditation processes (Diller, 2015). The professional report the community members to…

  • Traditional and Alternative Education in America

    Education is considered to be necessary in bringing up an individual, a personality. Alongside with commonly accepted traditional education, there exists nontraditional one. Surely, their conceptions and methods are different. Both are trying to make its system as effective, as possible, but there can be no perfect educational system. One of drawbacks of traditional educational…

  • Guns Control in the US

    In the US, the gun control debate is usually revisited when a tragedy related to guns occurs. Accordingly, the Connecticut massacre, once again, ignited this debate. In this tragedy, twenty children and six teachers were killed (Jam). Subsequently, many people, including President Obama, were drawn into this debate. In one of his latest speeches, President…

  • Roots of the Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring has already touched a number of countries around the whole world. Some people, who are not directly involved in the situation, want to know more about the reasons for the events. The native citizens try to understand their possible impact on the development of the events. Academic authors and researchers offer different…

  • Governing at the Grassroots

    Democracy The fair and peaceful elections are the pledge of democracy. They are evidence of the high level of civilization, and they play a crucial role in the transfer of power in a peaceful manner. The voting right allows the citizens to elect their leaders and to determine the future of their state. That is…

  • The Issue of Illegal Immigrants and Access to Social Services

    Table of Contents Introduction What Proponents of Social Services Are Advocating For Illegal Immigrants Contribute to the Economy It Is Immoral To Deny Them Access to Social Services There Are Other Ways of Deterring Illegal Immigration Conclusion Works Cited Introduction America is the epitome of civilization, and many people will want to live and work…

  • DREAM Act: Exploring the Benefits

    Introduction: overview of DREAM Act perspectives The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a legislation that provides students from minority groups who lived in the United States with permanent residency. Adopted in 2001, the act creates wider opportunities for undocumented residents in the field of military service and higher education. More…

  • U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma

    Table of Contents History of the Dilemma Political Dilemma of Drug Trafficking Current Situation on Mexican Border Influences on the American Economy and Society Influences on Mexican Economy and Society Possible solutions Conclusion References U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost…

  • Legislative Issues in Georgia

    This paper is aimed at examining the central questions that are viewed as the top priority by the governmental officials in Georgia. The upcoming legal acts are related to such aspects as economic development of this state, the work of police, and regulations of various narcotic substances. It is necessary to discuss the impact of…

  • Opposition to the Dream Act

    Table of Contents Introduction Arguments against the DREAM Act Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The DREAM Act is a bill proposed in the US that seeks to make persons who moved in the US as juveniles, but have lived in the country for five or more years before the bill is signed into law, and have…