Category: Politics & Government 2182

  • Do Electronic Voting Machines Improve the Voting Process?

    Table of Contents Advantages of electronic voting Disadvantages of electronic voting Impacts of electronic voting Conclusion Works Cited Electronic voting machines comprise of a variety of gadgets used to facilitate the actual voting process and counting of votes. In order to assess whether electronic voting machines really improve the voting process, there is a need…

  • Blair Doctrine from Moral Perspective

    Most wars involve land interests. The idea of war as a rescue of people in danger of a humanitarian catastrophe might seem noble. However, what are the criteria that allow one nation to interfere with another hiding behind the idea to help? In the middle of the Kosovo conflict, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair…

  • Habitat for Humanity and Its Activities

    Table of Contents Introduction Habitat for Humanity Conclusion Reference List Introduction Habitat for Humanity refers to a nonprofit organization that is devoted to building simple, decent, and affordable housing affordable for homeless individuals. Most of the homes are built by volunteers and are then sold at no profit, where no interest is charged on them.…

  • Ronald Reagan and What it Means to lead a Nation

    The President of the United States of America has two primary responsibilities aside from the usual routine of governing a country. The first one is to develop and execute domestic policies. The second one is to develop and execute foreign policies. The domestic policies that will come out of the White House will determine the…

  • Inmate Medical Transport System in Arizona

    The case of Arizona inmate medical transport system suggests that planning and effective strategic management is the core of any organizational processes. The evaluator of the case will develop various instruments designed for the change program under study. It is important to recognize that the medical care problem is one of the most important ones…

  • Involuntary Resettlement in Urban Transportation Projects

    ESIA in Public Transportation Developments in public transportation projects such as rapid mass transit as it is in the Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project have played an important role in the country’s economy. Many cities, when faced with a threat of ever-increasing traffic-generated pollution and congestion, tend to adopt policies and strategies that would…

  • Personal and Political Pacifism

    Personal pacifism as stated by Reitan refers “to that personal commitment to non violence, essentially not construed under the general obligation to abstain from violence and …not to express the belief that all persons ought to oppose violence under every circumstance indented to”. Going per the above definition it appears that personal pacifism denounces all…

  • International Response: The US Role in Darfur

    Summary of US role in Darfur The Janjaweed, a group of government backed Arab militia has been setting villages ablaze and carrying out massacres in the Darfur region of Sudan. Three years later and there seems that no lasting solution is forthcoming. The Sudanese government and the rebel forces seem not to be keen to…

  • Growth of Nuclear Weapons

    Table of Contents Introduction Nuclear weapon Reserves World power struggles As a security measure Non-state actors getting access to the weapons raw materials Conclusion References Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, countries have become concerned on how they can manage the use of nuclear weapons however, some countries that have nuclear weapons…

  • The Case for Torture, or the Ways we Lie

    One of the reasons why America got involved in WW2, was because Jewish Media magnates had succeeded in convincing the majority of Americans that Germans were nothing but brutes, who took a particular pleasure in torturing innocent civilians. During the course of this historical period, not a single day would go by, without American newspapers…