Category: Phobias

  • Development and Maintenance of Specific Phobias

    Introduction Nowadays, phobia is one of the major problems that affects in our society. Phobia is a severe fear of specific thing or situation. It is a part of anxiety disorder that results negative emotional responses. Phobia is usually happen when fear is formed by danger situation which can be moved to other situations that…

  • Multiple Neurological Aspects As the Causes of Phobias: Analytical Essay

    As a result of ever-changing conditions and environments, humans have evolved to adapt. Evolution has changed how we respond to fear. Fear can be defined as an intense negative emotion when an organism encounters a threat or dangerous situation (Gullone, 2020). In humans, fear can be displayed in multiple ways. For example, physiological symptoms of…

  • Analytical Essay on Development and Maintenance of Specific Phobias

    What do you fear? Some people might have to think long and hard for an answer, while some answer ‘clowns!’ And there are the plucky ones who answer ‘nothing!’ but secretly have nightmares about heights. But what lines must ‘fear’ cross, to be considered ‘phobia’? Fear is feeling threatened by a certain stimulus; an object,…

  • Analysis of Phobias Based on a Pavlovian Theory: Descriptive Essay

    A phobia is defined as “a persistent, irrational fear of an object, event, activity, or situation called a phobic stimulus, resulting in a compelling desire to avoid it” [1]. Although we understand what phobias are, the reasons for their acquisition are a subject of debate. Many psychologists have presented theories as to why phobias develop.…

  • Analytical Essay on Phobias: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatment

    Understanding Phobias. Everyone is not born with phobias, we might born with fear, but if you check on young children, they are born without fear until what they did harms them in some ways. A phobia is learned because it has become a connection with an object or an experience that is unpleasant and uncomfortable.…

  • Strategic Approach To Atychiphobia

    Understand, accept, realize, and dwell with the fact that failure is not fatal. There is a way to correct most of the mistakes we make, and most of them have a second chance you can use to right your wrongs, so you don’t have to fear failure. Each time you try and fail, you’re left…