Category: Pharmacy

  • Heath Care – Impact on Pharmaceutical Companies

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact of PPACA on Pharmaceutical Industry Time for Financial Responsibility and Accountability Conclusion References Introduction The signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148 (H.R. 3590) (PPACA) into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010, had implications on the entire medical fraternity. According to King (2010),…

  • Certification, Licensure, and Registration of Pharmacy Technicians

    Table of Contents Certification Requirements Registration Procedure Licensure Features Conclusion References Working in the healthcare industry as a pharmacy technician has different requirements for candidates for this position. In particular, an employee is to provide confirmed training in this profile, have the necessary documents allowing him or her to do this type of activity, and…

  • Comparison of the Pharmacy Laws

    Table of Contents Scope of the Laws Mediation Features Conclusion References Hundreds of pharmacies operating in the country have clearly regulated conditions for the provision of services to the population and comply with specific standards dictated by the relevant legislation. With consumers free to access most drugs, control over pharmacy operations is an essential aspect…

  • Virginia State Board of Pharmacy vs. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council

    Summary of the Case Representing prescription drug customers, Virginia Citizens Consumer Council opposed a policy enacted by Virginia state that made it unlawful for the approved pharmacists to promote their drug costs. On plea from an opposing verdict by a three-judge District Court board, USA Supreme Court gave Virginia State Board of Pharmacy appraisal. The…

  • Database Design Proposal for Pharmaceutical Products

    Table of Contents Project Problem and Terms Identifying the Users Data Collection Goals and Objectives Steps to Meet Goals and Objectives Potential Problems Value of the Project References Project Problem and Terms In hospital settings, one of the major concerns to administering boards is pharmaceutical product management and utilization. According to recent studies, one of…

  • National Pharmacy Technician Association

    Table of Contents Introduction Services Rendered to the Pharmacy Technicians by NPTA Benefits of being a Member of NPTA References Introduction One of the biggest global certified associations for pharmacy technicians is the National Pharmacy Technicians Association. This association was established in Houston, Texas. This happened back in the year 1999 and in November of…

  • Accessing the Pharmacy Services: Safe Medication

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The pharmacy provides the access to multiple types of medication that patients would not be able to purchase otherwise, including prescription medicine. Therefore, pharmacy is an essential element of the healthcare institution. When receiving medication from a pharmacist, it is important to be aware of the…

  • Pharmacology Transcribe: Explore More

    The take away for this teachable explore more is that I want you to remember medications that are on medication list, and what are they for, what are the side effects are and contraindications, and nursing consideration for each medication that is on that list. Now, let us do a little review of autonomic nervous…

  • Pharmacology and Medicines Optimisation

    Introduction The chosen scenario involves a 46-year-old male with seasonal rhinitis. Martin has been treating the symptoms with the over-the-counter (OTC) drug Piriteze 10 mg once daily. Following his recent diagnosis of hypertension, Martin was administered 10 mg of Enalapril. To ensure that Martin’s prescriptions do not interfere with his everyday activities, it is essential…

  • Pharmacology: Uses of Albuterol and β2-Adrenergic Agonist

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Literature Review Conclusion Reference List Introduction Albuterol is generally used for treating reactive airway deceases. This remedy is also known as salbutamol, and its main predestination is the relief of bronchospasm in the case of such diseases like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The optimal frequency of albuterol usage…