Category: Personality Development

  • Attachment Theory and Personality Development

    Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment style tend to have a…

  • Attachment Styles Impact on Personal Development

    Attachment styles play a critical role in shaping the emotional response in the child and, subsequently, in the emotional functioning of the adult. The relationship between the child and the caregiver allows for the conceptualization of oneself and others, which forms the concept of emotional connections in the early stages of life. Secure attachment provides…

  • Psychology: Professional and Personal Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Critical thinking Personal Development Professional Development Conclusion Reference Introduction It is generally believed that an individual or a professional is what he thinks. Whatever he is doing, whatever he feels, and whatever thing he wants to get out of life, will be determined by the quality of his thought process. If…

  • Personality Assessment Models: James Madison’s Personality Development

    Personality, a key constituency of individuals has attracted varied definitions, for example, Funder (2001, cited in Mroczek and Little, 2006, p.108) defines personality as those characteristics which individuals possess and which manifest in terms of thought, emotion and behavior together with the psychological mechanisms that are either hidden or not. This involves those characteristics that…

  • Attachment Theory and Personality Development

    Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment style tend to have a…

  • Personal Development: Description and Theory Application

    Introduction Human development is one of the most fascinating and at the same time most complicated fields of study in psychology. Being influenced by a myriad of factors, which range from genetic ones to the influences specific to a certain area where an individual grows, personal development requires closer scrutiny as a path to understanding…

  • Key Theories of Personality: Social and Personality Development

    A theory is a system of interconnected concepts, constructs, and principles that explain specific observations of reality. Personality theories are various assumptions that explain the origin of personality and the determinism of its development (Cattell, 2017). They provide researchers and scholars with an opportunity to understand the nature of the human subject. Modern psychology cannot…

  • The Importance of Personal Value Development in Society

    People live in the world where they communicate, interact and remain in the constant contact. Moreover, people are in constant development from their birth till their death and this development takes place on both mental and physical level. The physical development is impossible without mental, and the mental development may be decelerate in the case…

  • The Role of Life-Wide Learning and Personal Development

    In my belief, while getting a sound education is of uttermost importance in the life of an individual, complimenting it with other activities outside of the school setting not only increases the value of education but also results in personal development. For this reason, I have tried to ensure that I am involved in off…

  • Personal Teaching Philosophy and Its Development

    Revised Personal Teaching Philosophy After the Principles of Teaching and Learning Course When I developed my teaching philosophy for the first time, I paid much attention to the explanation of the learning process because it is critical for education. Initially, I focused only on the necessity to develop a positive relationship with the students because…