Category: Personal Life

  • In The Honor of My Native Language

    I’m a proud descendant of Jamicans (Hail mi friends) & Puerto Rican (Que Pasa) So many people first question when they find out my nationality is can you speak Patois, or Spanish. Well yes I can speak Patois very well. Spanish on the other hand no not at all, and i do not want to…

  • Statistics in Everyday Life Essay

    As we go about our daily lives, statistics quietly weave their way into various aspects, guiding decisions, shaping perceptions, and offering insights into the world around us. From simple observations to complex analysis, statistics play a vital role in understanding patterns, making informed choices, and navigating the uncertainties of life. Let’s embark on a journey…

  • The Influence of Music on Me and My Life

    William Shakespeare once said, “If music be the food of love, play on. “All my life, music has always been an integral part of my development. The piano, guitar, bass, and specifically vocal performance have all contributed to my deep, emotional connection for music. Listening to and playing music has made me a happier, healthier…

  • Constant Connectivity is a Feature of Contemporary Life: Discussion of Its Impact on the Personal Life

    In 2017, Netflix CEO Reed Hasting said the irksome human necessity to sleep is Netflix’s biggest rival; “think about it, when you watch a show from Netflix and you get addicted to it, you stay up late at night. We’re competing with sleep, it’s a very large pool of time” (Hern, 2017). On average, adults…

  • The Benefits of Growing Up and Reading Books

    I am very lucky. I grew up in a house where I was surrounded by books constantly. My mother had a special book that she taught all of her kids to read with, with me coming in 8 years behind the last. I don’t recall the name of this particular book, but I do remember…

  • Fate and The Idea of Pre-planned Life Events

    In today’s world, many strive for success and prosperity. People search for love, wealth, fame, and independence their entire lives; however, one may question why this occurs when the topic of fate is considered. Many believe that fate is predetermined and that peoples’ lives are already set in stone. This belief raises the question of…

  • Impact of Work Life Balance on Performance of Employees

    In today’s competitive business world, firms are focusing their efforts on increasing organisational sustainability in order to acquire a competitive advantage. Fundamentally, sustainability is concerned with three sorts of performance dimensions: economic, social, and environmental, all of which are necessary for both the environment and companies. Employees are considered as key players in deciding the…

  • Example of Autobiography Essay about Yourself

    I have decided to write my life and what it was like to me being in care and how difficult I found it to fit in with other students and how my whole life I have found it hard to cope with going through what I have. The form of text I have decided to…

  • Examples of Tragedy in Our Everyday Life

    Managing a ship without experience and courage was never been easy. The captain and his crew might prepare for some conditions or unexpected events that they may experience in the middle of the sea. The Essex, the name of the ship, was run by Captain George Pollard with the help of Owen Chase and his…

  • What Is Success?

    When considering attending college, there are many questions to be asked. For some it may be as simple as, where should I go? For others, there are a multitude of questions. Can I afford college? Am I too young? What do I want to major in? It is not an easy choice, and the decision…