Category: Pediatrician

  • Pediatrician: Job Analysis And Identification Of Individual Differences

    Job analysis attempts to develop a theory of human behavior about the job in question. According to the text book work in the 21st century, this theory includes performance expectations as well as the experience and KSAOs necessary to meet those expectations. (Conte, J.M $ Landy, F.J, 2016 p 182). In this essay I am…

  • The Role Of Pediatrician In Modern Society

    Pediatricians are highly experienced doctors who manage the health and well being of all individuals aged 21 years old or younger. They are trained to diagnose and treat infant illnesses, from minor to severe sickness. Pediatricians are an important asset to children’s overall health as they grow and develop. They motivate children to live long…

  • The Life Of A Pediatrician

    Many people dream of making a difference in the world by either being a doctor or being a police officer. Not all pathways to making a difference are easy, for example studying to become a Pediatrician is very difficult. It’s a very high skilled job that may not be for all people. A pediatrician specializes…

  • Pediatric Respiratory System Diseases

    The research methodology was based on obtaining information from Hospital Infantil Robert Reid Cabral, as well as reliable sources that were found on the web, most of them from data bases. Much of the epidemiology found in this research was based on both the information found field on HIRRC, along with other researches that included…