Category: Patient Safety

  • Patient Safety Improvement After Sentinel Event

    The sentinel event deals with a 37-year-old woman named Sady with diabetes and high blood pressure complications during the intrapartum phase of pregnancy who started developing hypertension despite her efforts to keep glucose low. The patient’s physician was able to keep her hypertension stable by monitoring her glucose and BP levels. However, when Sady went…

  • Championing Quality and Patient Safety

    The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership expertise in the transformation of…

  • Teamwork and Improved Patient Safety

    Introduction Researches in the field of healthcare present new ideas and concepts for improving practice in accordance with the emerging needs of the identified patients. Lifelong learning is a tested approach whereby professional nurses examine emerging theories and apply them in their respective units. Organizational leadership needs to be involved to outline emerging guidelines and…

  • Researching of Patient Safety and EPB System

    Table of Contents Introduction Patient Safety Importance The EBP Model Definition An Ideal Source Description The EBP in Nursing Conclusion References Introduction Patient safety is a medical discipline that has emerged in response to the growing complexity of providing health services, which is accompanied by an increase in the scale of harm caused to patients…

  • Patient Safety: Medication Errors

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Types of Medication Errors Causes of Medication Errors Potential Solutions for the Prevention of Medication Errors References Introduction In the present day, patient safety remains a highly disturbing health care issue, and medication errors relate to the most typical causes of damage to life or health. According to Yousef and…

  • Clinical Decision Support System for Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Change Proposal Impact Measurement Communication Strategy Change Resistance References Change Proposal Patient safety is the key priority of all health care professionals since no mistakes are allowed in this area. Regardless of the level of technological support of the unit, safety policies require ongoing improvement as they must respond to the ever-changing…

  • Enhancing Quality and Safety of the Patient

    Table of Contents Factors Leading to Patient-Safety Risk Evidence-Based Solutions The Role of Nurses in Addressing Patient-Safety Risk Stakeholders References Patient safety is among the primary concerns in healthcare settings, and one of the safety issues is patient falls. A fall is defined as “an unplanned descent to the floor (or extension of the floor…

  • Patient Safety as a Responsibility of Nurses

    Table of Contents Introduction Medication Errors in Student Nurses Consequences Patterns Root Cause Analysis of Medication Errors The Importance of Repeatedly Asking “Why” Strategies to Reduce Medication Errors in Healthcare Conclusion References Introduction Patient safety is a critical aspect of healthcare delivery, and the prevention of harm is the primary goal of healthcare professionals. Nurses…

  • Documentation, Emr, and Patient Safety

    Three major elements of the electronic medical record (EMR) include patient call log, prescription management system, and patient management (Kelley, 2016). The patient management component is important in patient registration, transfer, admission, and discharge from a hospital. It affects safety measures if improperly conducted or used to generate information that lacks integrity. Correct documentation prevents…

  • Medical Errors Minimization for Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Statement Purpose and Research Questions Literature Review Conceptual and Theoretical Framework Reference Introduction The selected peer-reviewed article is the qualitative research study devoted to the investigation of patient safety and methods aimed to minimize medical error. “Patient safety” by T. B. Welzel was published in the professional journal, Continual Medical…