Category: Passion

  • Passion And Reason

    When it comes to life there are things people do because it is their passion, they fall in love with that thing, embrace it and seek to help it grow. There are strong feelings for that thing. On the other hand there is reason. Things people do for reason aren’t necessarily things they want to…

  • Respect And Passion As The Ways To Success

    The two values that can pave my way to the success of my internship would be ‘Respect’ and ‘Passion’. I believe that, these two values are key to build my work ethic and professionalism during this internship attachment. It is important to treat my colleagues, superiors, patients with respect and follow through all the rules…

  • Definition of Love Essay

    A Philosophical Analysis of Love Philosophy aims to answer various questions about life in a rational and disciplined way, and one, if not the most important, is the understanding of personal love. Love, life’s greatest gift and mystery, appears in various kinds and is difficult to distinguish. The love a person feels for his/her partner…

  • What Is Love? Essay

    The Evolution of Love – Essay 1 (400 words) Introduction Love is a complex and ever-changing human emotion that has intrigued philosophers, poets, and thinkers throughout history. This essay explores the evolution of love, tracing its roots from ancient times to the present day. By examining the different manifestations of it across various historical periods,…

  • My Passions in Life: Narrative Essay

    A passion is something or someone that you have a strong emotion towards. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for adventure, the search for a lasting friendship, and reaching out to help children. These passions are something that could make or break my day; for this reason, I enjoy…

  • My Fascination with Roller Coasters

    The sight of fair rides has invariably piqued my interest. It surprises me that your typical person is delighted in giving up the tranquility of the earth beneath you with the excitement of throwing themselves in the air like a food processor’s vegetables. At some point in history, someone believed that people could derive pleasure…

  • Photography Is My Passion Essay

    One of my greatest passions is black and white photography! Yet, I don’t think there was a defining moment that sparked my interest in photography, and now I cannot imagine my life without it. Several years ago, my parents graciously gifted me my first DSLR camera for Christmas, and to this very day, it has…

  • Soccer Passion Essay

    I didn’t know what to expect when starting this project, but coming out, I have to say my excitement to work in the sports industry is through the roof. Right when we started our SPM class, we were given the idea that it was okay not to know what we wanted to do. Honestly, that…

  • Passion for Volunteering Essay

    During Year 7, I first heard about the Duke of Edinburgh scheme from a friend and have wanted to take part in it ever since. This is for many reasons, one of the main reasons being that the scheme is an opportunity to challenge myself and broaden my horizons. It will help me conquer my…

  • Passion in Social Justice Essay

    Introduction Passion is a powerful force that drives individuals to action. When directed towards social justice, passion becomes a catalyst for positive change in society. It fuels the desire to challenge inequality, fight for human rights, and create a more just and equitable world. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the importance of passion…