Category: Othello

  • Who Is to Blame for the Tragedy of Othello by Shakespeare

    The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice is a sexual jealousy tragedy that pioneers the investigation of racial discrimination. Shakespeare’s play, which the great playwright wrote in 1603, presents the image of Othello, a general of African descent. The main idea of the conflict lies in the fact that, being deceived, Othello is convinced…

  • Review of “Othello” by Shakespeare

    “Othello” is one of the most unique and outstanding works of the great William Shakespeare. There are actually more profound, complex, thought-provoking topics behind the author’s main idea, which lies on the surface. So, the main characters and their stories of the work are known to everyone, even if they have not read the work.…

  • Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

    The character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello is one of the most unique and multi-faceted villainous characters from all of Shakespeare’s works. The mysterious and deceitful aura of the character makes the play more thrilling to the viewer or reader, who is aware of Iago’s untruthful motives, and makes the outcome even more dramatic. This…

  • Black and White Colors in “Othello” by Shakespeare

    In Othello, a tragedy written by the outstanding English poet and playwright William Shakespeare, black and white colors are frequently mentioned and attract particular attention. At first sight, they refer to skin colors as Othello is a Moor who marries Desdemona, a young and fair Venetian lady. However, black and white colors do not describe…

  • Analysis of the Character ‘Othello’

    Othello is one of the classical literary masterpieces written by William Shakespeare. Known as the dark-skinned Moor of Venice (Encarta Encyclopedia, 2002), Othello is a story of the mighty warrior whose life turned into a tragic downfall as he was corrupted by suspicion and jealousy over his wife Desdemona and his new friend Cassio. Unknown…

  • About Acts I and II Othello: Analysis

    In the tragedy, Iago is presented as an ambitious person, ready for any action for his own benefit. The ambitiousness of this character is expressed in the first verses of the tragedy: “I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. / But he, as loving his own pride and purposes” (1.1.11 —12).…

  • Emilia’s Role in the Play Othello by Shakespeare

    Outline This paper is an attempt to analyze the character of Emilia in William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello. It begins with a thesis statement and the body discusses various questions like what is the role of Emilia. Is Emilia responsible for Desdemona’s death? What is her role in the handkerchief issue? Critical comments from books…

  • Theme of Deceit in Shakespeare’s Othello

    Deceit and lies can be one of the most distracting factors in human life despite one’s accomplishments. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough, to be honest,” the play Othello by Shakespeare accurately depicts his words. Othello is a storyline behind a respectable general and…

  • Othello as Aristotelian Tragic Hero

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The problem of the genre of tragedy in the work of Shakespeare as a whole still remains open. It is multifaceted and includes both questions from the field of the history of genres and the question of the philosophical content of Shakespeare’s plays in connection…

  • Strength in One’s Convictions in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

    Table of Contents Introduction Objectification of Women Prejudiced Pride Warped Masculinity Conclusion Introduction Strong convictions pave the way for great actions. In his play Othello, Shakespeare explores the extent to which characters display strength of conviction when confronted with societal expectations from them by developing ideas around constructs such as objectification of women, prejudiced pride,…