Category: Organizational Behavior

  • Organizational Behavior: Principles, Models and Theories

    Table of Contents Type of Culture Modes of Communication in the Organization Nature of Authority Motivational Techniques Areas of Emotional Quotient Conclusion References Organizational behavior analysis is very important in explaining how people interact and relate within a given social setting. In the modern society, both for profit and non-profit making organizations are under a…

  • Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Article Review

    Researchers have been interested in investigating the role of leadership in stimulating employees’ performance for a significant period of time. Nowadays, it is possible to find a lot of research papers dedicated to the topic, and the article by Tan et al. (2019), “Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Mediating Effect of Organization Commitment…

  • Managing Organizational Behavior: Group Decision-Making

    Group decision-making can improve the quality of decisions, provide a variety of perspectives, and assist in developing the skills of the members. Based on the recent meetings I attended, I will describe four problems related to group decision-making. Firstly, I might conclude that I rarely hear the opinions and proposals of all participants. The primary…

  • Organizational Behavior Practical Application Field

    Organizational behavior is a science that studies the behavior of people (individuals and groups) in organizations. Its aim is the practical use of knowledge to improve the efficiency of a person’s labor activity (Reeve Bunn, 2013). Human behavior at work is much more complex and varied than is suggested by the “economy – safety –…

  • Reflection on Organizational Behavior Theories

    Organizational behavior knowledge is of utmost importance in the workplace since it provides an understanding of why people behave in a particular way. Therefore, it is critical not only to study these theories but to reflect on them to be able to apply them in professional life and career plan. Overall, I have analyzed the…

  • Budgeting Impact on Organizational Behavior

    Introduction This paper seeks to discuss how budgeting can impact organizational behavior. This paper explores how the impact can be both positive and negative and discuss ways that financial managers are changing the budgeting processes to better inform managerial decision making. Analysis and Discussion Budgeting, its nature and purpose Budgeting could be considered as the…

  • Organizational and Consumer’s Buying Behavior

    Introduction A consumer is defined as the ultimate user of a product/commodity or a service, while an organization is a social set up, separated by physical boundary with defined objectives. A consumer can influence an organizations buying behavior at the same time an organization can also be able to influence a consumers buying behavior. This…

  • The Concept of Organizational Behavior

    Introduction The concept of organizational behavior has been studied for several decades as theorists try to establish the link between individual behaviors and the performance of corporations. The concept was introduced in 1966 by Jim Naylor and George Briggs when they published Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Their publication sought to contribute towards the…

  • A Positive Organizational Behavior in Organization

    Organizational behavior refers to the behavior of individuals, teams and management that forms organizational culture. It is important to note that organizational behavior highly determines efficiency and output of an organization. On the same note, due to division of labor that has become the order of the day; many people have chosen to specialize in…

  • Organizational Behavior: Criticism On The Big Five Model Of Personality

    Introduction The purpose of this study is to build upon the criticisms on the Big Five Model of Personality Assessment and to make a point that 5 dimensions do not provide a complete interpretation of a personality hence the. HEXACO model is suggested as alternative. Past research has shown that general and intrinsic religiosity and…