Category: Oppression

  • Women’s Oppression in The Yellow Wallpaper

    The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is one of the best examples of Gothic literature. Being considered as the scary writing at the times when the story was written, however, some time passed and the story has been interpreted from different perspectives involving various angles of consideration. A close reading of the story helps…

  • Social Theory. Religion as a Tool for Social Oppression

    Introduction There can be no doubt as to the fact that religion played an important role in shaping up socio-political realities, ever since the dawn of history. In its turn, this allows the proponents of religious worldview on culture and science to suggest that people’s tendency to indulge in theological arguments, has inborn qualities. However,…

  • Women as Oppression Victims in American Literature

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Literary works dealing with serious subjects such as woman rights, discrimination and oppression can be completely different in genre and style, but nevertheless sharing a mutual theme, each approaching it from a different perspective. In Everyday Use by Alice Walker and A Jury of Her…

  • Patriots’ Civic Engagement Against British Oppression

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction During the 18th century, British colonies gained more independence through the policy that allowed the violation of trade restrictions in order to promote economic growth post-French and Indian wars. The policies marked an uprise of the members of American colonies who focused their activities on…

  • The Response of the American Society Against Oppression

    There were several responses form the American society towards the oppression. However, it was clear that oppression existed even before the World War 2. At that period oppression had a different dimension mainly focused on racism and growers in plantation. The blacks were discriminated against the distribution of national resources. They were not recognized in…

  • Palestinian Oppression: The Role of Media

    Table of Contents Palestinian Oppression Terrorism Coverage of Intifada – The Islamic Movement Annotated Bibliography Palestinian Oppression Many contemporary theories of partition and nation-state blame the media for misrepresenting culture in developing and maintaining a sense of national consciousness and cultural imperialism. How far this blame is correct and to what extent American and international…

  • Reflection on Oppression and Privilege from Personal Experience

    In the words of Marilyn Frye (1983), “The word ‘oppression’ is a strong word. It repels and attracts. It is dangerous and dangerously fashionable and endangered. It is much misused, and sometimes not innocently”. In this reflection statement I will try to define what oppression is and how it intersects with privilege in my personal…

  • How Religion Can Be Used As A Tool Of Oppression And Liberation In Society

    Religion is a different compatible, characterization of religion makes use of the notions of diagnosis and cure. A religion proposes (an account of what it takes to be the basic problem facing human beings) and cure (a way of permanently and desirably solving that problem):one basic problem shared by every human person and fundamental solution…

  • Call to Action: Argumentative Essay

    The people waiting outside for their day in the RTIA studio are sharp. They come bearing their birth certificates, certificates of employment, various proofs of their suffering, and a deep understanding of systemic oppression. It’s easy to argue why such a formula is unhealthy for any society, for it is trial by publicity. Instant justice;…

  • The Bluest Eye’ Essay on Oppression

    The Bluest Eye is about what it’s like to be hated for things that are outside of your control. She addresses the larger implications of that, probably something that all of us have experienced in our lives. Especially, she is talking about what it’s like to be hated for being a poor black girl. For…