Category: Neuroscience

  • Draw a cerebral outline, a spinal cord outline, and a spinal nerve and ventral r

    Draw a cerebral outline, a spinal cord outline, and a spinal nerve and ventral ramus. In each area, indicate what cells can be found in each of the grey matter and the white matter. You may use an iPad to draw, or paper and pencil/marker if you choose to use color. Take a photo of…

  • The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice

    The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting. Overall, group activities are prompt to have more commune psychological motifs and tendencies rather than individual behavior or face-to-face communication. Hence, the evaluation of psychological theories related to…

  • Aspects of Cognitive Neuroscience

    Table of Contents Introduction Classic example Cognitive Mapping Psychology of Recognition and Knowledge Representation The Relationship between Hippocampus Brain Regions and Navigation References Introduction Cognitive levels are categorized into taxonomies based on the degree of generalization and class inclusion components or factors. The degree of generalization implies that the description of an object gets generalized…

  • Neuroscience and Cognition in Teaching Practices

    Today, many experts from different fields address neuroscience to find explanations about how cognition works and affects various practices. The main idea of neuroscience is to examine the work of the nervous system and the brain as products of evolution that affect human behavior and learning (Cisek & Hayden, 2021). Cognition, as the focus of…

  • Phantom Limb Phenomenon in Cognitive Neuroscience

    The phantom limb phenomenon is based on the feeling that the amputated organ is still attached to the body. This sensation caused by the human brain is studied within behavioral neurology. The scientists explored that individuals with an amputation have the feeling that their limb is still attached. However, such sensation may also occur after…

  • Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

    Difference between generalized and focal brain disorders Basically, general brain disorders are those that affect the entire part of the brain. Focal brain disorder affects a specific part of the brain due to minor injuries. For instance, when one is injured with a bullet, the damage may be confined in a specific part of the…

  • Stroke and Alexia in Cognitive Neuroscience

    Stroke One of the neuropsychological syndromes that interest me in the study of psychology is stroke. The condition develops whenever there is a significant disturbance in the overall supply of blood throughout the brain. Scientifically, the syndrome is referred to as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (Brazis, Masdeu & Biller, 2011). Stroke is known to destabilize the…

  • Neuroscience and Behavioral School of Thought

    Table of Contents Analysis Intellectual Traditions of Choice Conclusion References Psychology is a natural science that, similarly to disciplines such as biology and chemistry, relies on experimental methods for pursuing scientific goals of prediction, description, and explanation. Scholars across different areas of science do not always agree with each other on the nature and scope…

  • Cognitive Neuroscience

    What is meant by “the method of converging operations”? Why is it important for neuropsychology? Method of converging operations refers to experimental operations used to eliminate alternative hypotheses that explain experimental results. Neuropsychology is the study of the brain in relation to behavior. Therefore, numerous experiments are carried out in order to establish the above…

  • Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Neurophilosophy

    Abstract This paper highlights various secondary sources’ operational definitions of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and neurophysiology. The research explains different psychological theories and supports them with content from secondary sources. The writing is concerned with information process and social-cultural theory, which relates to creating a social hierarchy by relating it to network science. On the other…