Category: Negotiation

  • Negotiation as an Alternative to Litigation

    Introduction Definition of Negotiation Appealing to the judiciary system, presumably, is the primary method of resolving serious conflicts for which many opt. The most probable reason why people as well as businesses prefer litigation is the theoretical framework of law that it provides, adherence to which simplifies identifying the directions of decision-making. In addition, the…

  • Discussion of Hostage Negotiations

    Introduction Hostage negotiation acts as a technique utilized by law enforcement officers to communicate with individuals who threaten violence. The negotiation helps in resolving the existing conflict for hostages to be safely released. Law enforcement officers obtain the proper training to learn how to handle hostage incidents. The continued occurrence of hostage incidences reveals the…

  • Identifying Approaches to Crisis Hostage Negotiation

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Patient-Related Factors in Hostage Communication System-Related Factors Conclusion: Summarizing Hostage Negotiation Research References Introduction The research study outlines the basic hostage negotiation strategies, which are employed the critical situations with an aim of inflicting certain psychological effects. Specifically, the work employs the method of literature analysis and discusses the…

  • Critique of Negotiation Theory. Distributive Bargaining

    Introduction Since disputes and conflicts are an integral part of a given society, they have led to development of various negotiation theories in a bid to ease their resolution. Resolution of conflicts and disputes is a process that requires strategies and tactics to enhance fair settlements and satisfaction of the parties involved. Throughout the centuries,…

  • Negotiation as the Most Used Means of Handling Wars

    Table of Contents Introduction Plan and Structure Background of First Thoughts and Ideas Peace Negotiations Conclusion Reference List Introduction Negotiation is a conflict transformation process that explores all parties’ goals through separate dialogs, distinguishes legitimate from illegitimate goals and finds creative solutions that achieve the goals of all parties. One of the most common ways…

  • Hochschild: Emotion Management and Negotiations

    Hochschild (1) comes up with an emotion management mechanism that illuminates the self, interaction, and structure. Emotion is always regulated by the act of management. Emotion management is wholly embedded in the interactive aspects of emotion. Emotion management enables close-range inspection of the relations among feelings, rules, ideology, emotion management, and emotive experience. Emotions play…

  • PICC-Related Complications Reduction: Negotiations

    The plan for minimization of PICC-related complications and the reduction of catheter reinsertion rates at KRMC involves negotiations with several stakeholders. Patients or their families permit the PICC line insertion procedure. If they are not willing to provide their consent, it is important to overcome non-acceptance with the use of individualized techniques. If patients are…

  • The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education

    Introduction Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. Regarding the patients’ education, negotiation helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding. It assists in changing the misconceptions of a client and improves treatment compliance with healthcare standards (Goldman et al., 2015). Change in the Patient’s…

  • Respiratory Complications Reduction: Negotiations

    The plan for reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures involves negotiations with several stakeholders. Registered Nurses at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Rationale for Support or Resistance These stakeholders are not essentially associated with Interventional Radiological (IR) Procedures. Therefore, their response to the change might be neutral. Negotiation Tactic To communicate the…

  • Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Negotiation Plan

    Abstract This paper is a change and negotiation plan. It aims at determining central aspects of a change implementation design. The problem under consideration is the severity of complications and frequency of PICC line reinsertions in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Therefore, preventing complications and reinsertions is a proposed change that will be crafted. The eight-step…